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Subelement L05

Regulations, Part II: Standards, Restrictions, Identification.

Section L05

An amateur radio station with a maximum input power to the final stage of 2 watts:

  • is exempt from regulatory control by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Correct Answer
    must be operated by a person with an Amateur Certificate and call sign
  • must be licensed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • need not be licensed in isolated areas only

Reference to power is misleading. ALL Amateur stations must be duly authorized.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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An amateur station may be used to communicate with:

  • any station transmitting in the amateur bands
  • Correct Answer
    stations operated under similar authorizations
  • any stations which are identified for special contests
  • armed forces stations during special contests and training exercises

This is a catch. "any station transmitting in the amateur bands" seems reasonable until you think that this other station may be operating unlawfully without a certificate. "Stations operated under similar authorizations" is a much better answer. Amateurs are not allowed to knowingly conduct conversations with unauthorized stations ("bootleggers").

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is not correct?

  • A radio amateur may not operate, or permit to be operated, a radio apparatus which he knows is not performing to the Radiocommunication Regulations
  • Correct Answer
    A radio amateur may use a linear amplifier to amplify the output of a licence-exempt transmitter outside any amateur radio allocations
  • A considerate operator does not transmit unnecessary signals
  • A courteous operator refrains from using offensive language

Key words: NOT CORRECT. Using an amplifier on what is normally a license-exempt transmitter is illegal: e.g., a Citizens Band radio. Article 31 of the Radiocommunication Regulations states "A person may operate or permit the operation of radio apparatus only where the apparatus is maintained within the tolerances set out in the applicable standards". Article 32 of the Radiocommunication Regulations which said "A person may operate radio apparatus only to transmit a non-superfluous signal or a signal containing non-profane or non-obscene radiocommunications " was repealed in 2011 as inconsistent with the terms of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is not correct?

  • Correct Answer
    An amateur radio operator transmitting unnecessary or offensive signals does not violate accepted practice
  • Except for a certified radio amateur operating within authorized amateur radio allocations, no person shall possess or operate any device for the purpose of amplifying the output power of a licence-exempt radio apparatus
  • A person may operate or permit the operation of radio apparatus only where the apparatus is maintained to the Radiocommunication Regulations tolerances
  • A person may operate an amateur radio station when the person complies with the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service

key words: NOT CORRECT. Article 32 of the Radiocommunication Regulations which said "A person may operate radio apparatus only to transmit a non-superfluous signal or a signal containing non-profane or non-obscene radiocommunications " was repealed in 2011 as inconsistent with the terms of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Hopefully, amateurs will continue to abide by that rule.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is not correct? A person may operate radio apparatus, authorized in the amateur service:

  • except for the amplification of the output power of licence-exempt radio apparatus operating outside authorized amateur radio service allocations
  • Correct Answer
    on aeronautical, marine or land mobile frequencies
  • only where the person complies with the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service
  • only where the apparatus is maintained within the performance standards set by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada regulations and policies

key words: NOT CORRECT. Amateurs are only allowed on bands assigned to the Amateur service.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Some VHF and UHF FM radios purchased for use in the amateur service can also be programmed to communicate on frequencies used for the land mobile service. Under what conditions is this permissible?

  • The equipment has a RF power output of 2 watts or less
  • The equipment is used in remote areas north of 60 degrees latitude
  • Correct Answer
    The radio is certified under the proper Radio Standard Specification for use in Canada and licensed by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada on the specified frequencies
  • The radio operator has a Restricted Operator's Certificate

Article 31 of the Radiocommunication Regulations states "A person may operate or permit the operation of radio apparatus only where the apparatus is maintained within the tolerances set out in the applicable standards". The Radiocommunication Act states "4. (1) No person shall, except under and in accordance with a radio authorization, install, operate or possess radio apparatus, other than (a) radio apparatus exempted by or under regulations...".

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following cannot be discussed on an amateur club net?

  • Recreation planning
  • Code practice planning
  • Emergency planning
  • Correct Answer
    Business planning

key word: CANNOT. Business-related communications are NOT allowed on amateur bands (except for relief operations in a disaster while regular services are overloaded or unavailable).

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When is a radio amateur allowed to broadcast information to the general public?

  • Only when broadcasts last less than 1 hour
  • Only when broadcasts last longer than 15 minutes
  • Correct Answer
  • Only when the operator is being paid

key word: BROADCAST. Amateurs are not allowed to broadcast to the general public.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When may false or deceptive amateur signals or communications be transmitted?

  • When you need to hide the meaning of a message for secrecy
  • Correct Answer
  • When operating a beacon transmitter in a "fox hunt" exercise
  • When playing a harmless "practical joke"

key word: DECEPTIVE. False or fraudulent messages or distress signals are infractions to the Radiocommunications Act.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following one-way communications may not be transmitted in the amateur service?

  • Morse code practice
  • Correct Answer
    Broadcasts intended for the general public
  • Radio control commands to model craft
  • Brief transmissions to make adjustments to the station

key words: MAY NOT. Amateurs are not allowed to broadcast to the general public. Remote-Control, brief tests and code practice are allowed activities.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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You wish to develop and use a new digital encoding technique to transmit data over amateur radio spectrum. Under what conditions is this permissible?

  • When it is used for commercial traffic
  • When it includes sending the amateur station's call sign
  • Correct Answer
    When the encoding technique is published in the public domain
  • When it is used for music streaming content

Article 47 of the Radiocommunication Regulations states "A person who operates radio apparatus in the amateur radio service may only (b) use a code or cipher that is not secret".

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When may an amateur station in two-way communication transmit an encoded message?

  • During contests
  • When transmitting above 450 MHz
  • Correct Answer
    Only when the encoding or cipher is not secret
  • During a declared communications emergency

Article 47 of the Radiocommunication Regulations states "A person who operates radio apparatus in the amateur radio service may only (b) use a code or cipher that is not secret".

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What are the restrictions on the use of abbreviations or procedural signals in the amateur service?

  • They are not permitted because they obscure the meaning of a message to government monitoring stations
  • Only "10 codes" are permitted
  • Correct Answer
    They may be used if the signals or codes are not secret
  • There are no restrictions

key words: SECRET, OBSCURE. Specifically prohibited in the Radiocommunication Regulations.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What should you do to keep you station from retransmitting music or signals from a non-amateur station?

  • Adjust your transceiver noise blanker
  • Correct Answer
    Turn down the volume of background audio
  • Turn up the volume of your transmitter
  • Speak closer to the microphone to increase your signal strength

Retransmitting programming that originates from a broadcasting undertaking is specifically prohibited in the Radiocommunication Regulations.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The transmission of a secret code by the operator of an amateur station:

  • is permitted for contests
  • must be approved by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • is permitted for third-party traffic
  • Correct Answer
    is not permitted

key words: SECRET, OBSCURE. Specifically prohibited in the Radiocommunication Regulations.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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A radio amateur may be engaged in communication which include the transmission of:

  • radiocommunication in support of industrial, business, or professional activities
  • commercially recorded material
  • Correct Answer
    Q signals
  • programming that originates from a broadcasting undertaking

key words: BROADCASTING, BUSINESS, COMMERCIALLY. Support of business/professional activities OR the retransmission of broadcasts are specifically prohibited in the Radiocommunication Regulations. "Q codes" are internationally recognized abbreviations used by Amateurs.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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In the amateur radio service, business communications:

  • are only permitted if they are for the safety of life or immediate protection of property
  • are not prohibited by regulation
  • Correct Answer
    are not permitted under any circumstance
  • are permitted on some bands

Business-related communications are NOT allowed on amateur bands. RIC-3 states "47. A person who operates radio apparatus in the amateur radio service may only (c) be engaged in communication that does not include the transmission of i) music, (ii) commercially recorded material, (iii) programming that originates from a broadcasting undertaking, or (iv) radiocommunications in support of industrial, business or professional activities." [ Until July 2007, RIC-7 seemed to make an exception for relief operations in a disaster while regular services are overloaded or unavailable. Prior to 2000, an amateur could communicate any message in a real or simulated emergency. ]

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Where may the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate operate an amateur radio station in Canada?

  • Correct Answer
    Anywhere in Canada
  • Anywhere in Canada during times of emergency
  • Only at the address shown on Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada records
  • Anywhere in your call sign prefix area

Yes, ANYWHERE in Canada but if you change your address permanently, you must notify Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada within 30 DAYS.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which type of station may transmit one-way communications?

  • HF station
  • VHF station
  • Correct Answer
    Beacon station
  • Repeater station

Only three types of one-way communications are allowed: 1) Beacons (automated one-way stations used to assess propagation conditions), 2) remote control of model craft and 3) brief test transmissions.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Amateur radio operators may install or operate radio apparatus:

  • at the address which is on record at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and at one other location
  • at the address which is on record at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and in two mobiles
  • Correct Answer
    at any location in Canada
  • only at the address which is on record at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Yes, ANYWHERE in Canada but if you change your address permanently, you must notify Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada within 30 DAYS.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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In order to install any radio apparatus, to be used specifically for receiving and automatically retransmitting radiotelephone communications within the same frequency band, a radio amateur must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate, with a minimum of:

  • Basic and Morse code qualifications
  • Basic qualification
  • Basic with Honours qualification
  • Correct Answer
    Basic and Advanced qualifications

key word: RETRANSMITTING. The Advanced Qualification grants 4 privileges: 1) install repeaters, 2) install club station, 3) build transmitters or amplifiers from scratch and 4) more output power. Morse has nothing to do with such privileges.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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In order to install any radio apparatus, to be used specifically for an amateur radio club station, the radio amateur must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate, with a minimum of the following qualifications:

  • Basic with Honours
  • Correct Answer
    Basic and Advanced
  • Basic, Advanced and Morse code
  • Basic

key words: CLUB STATION. The Advanced Qualification grants 4 privileges: 1) install repeaters, 2) install club station, 3) build transmitters or amplifiers from scratch and 4) more output power. Morse has nothing to do with such privileges.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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In order to install or operate a transmitter or RF amplifier that is neither professionally designed nor commercially manufactured for use in the amateur service, a radio amateur must hold an Amateur Operator's Certificate, with a minimum of which qualifications?

  • Correct Answer
    Basic and Advanced
  • Basic with Honours
  • Basic and Morse code
  • Basic, Advanced and Morse code

"Advanced Qualification: all amateur bands below 30 MHz, transmitter power of 1000 watts DC input, build and operate transmitting equipment, establish repeaters and club stations. Basic Qualification: all amateur bands above 30 MHz, power of 250 watts DC input, build and operate all station equipment, except for "home-made" transmitters. "Build" in the context of the Basic Certificate is limited to the assembly of commercially available transmitter kits of professional design." (RIC-3, Privileges and Restrictions)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Who is responsible for the proper operation of an amateur station?

  • The person who owns the station equipment
  • Only the control operator
  • Correct Answer
    Both the control operator and the station owner
  • Only the station owner who is the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate

Both the licensee and the control operator ( a person other than the licensee who the owner may have left in charge of the station ) are responsible for proper operation of the station.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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If you transmit from another amateur's station, who is responsible for its proper operation?

  • You
  • The station owner, unless the station records show that you were the control operator at the time
  • The station owner
  • Correct Answer
    Both of you

Both the licensee and the control operator ( a person other than the licensee who the owner may have left in charge of the station ) are responsible for proper operation of the station.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What is your responsibility as a station owner?

  • Correct Answer
    You are responsible for the proper operation of the station in accordance with the regulations
  • You must allow another amateur to operate your station upon request
  • You must be present whenever the station is operated
  • You must notify Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada if another amateur acts as the control operator

Both the licensee and the control operator ( a person other than the licensee who the owner may have left in charge of the station ) are responsible for proper operation of the station.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Who may be the control operator of an amateur station?

  • Correct Answer
    Any qualified amateur chosen by the station owner
  • Any person over 21 years of age with a Basic Qualification
  • Any person over 21 years of age with Basic and Morse code qualifications
  • Any person over 21 years of age

The Control Operator must hold an Amateur certificate.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When must an amateur station have a control operator?

  • A control operator is not needed
  • Whenever the station receiver is operated
  • Only when training another amateur
  • Correct Answer
    Whenever the station is transmitting

The holder of an Amateur certificate, the 'Control Operator', must be in charge of the station whenever it is on the air.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When an amateur station is transmitting, where must its control operator be?

  • Anywhere within 50 km of the station location
  • Correct Answer
    At the station's control point
  • Anywhere in the same building as the transmitter
  • At the station's entrance, to control entry to the room

The holder of an Amateur certificate, the 'Control Operator', must be in charge of the station whenever it is on the air.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Why can't family members without qualifications transmit using your amateur station if they are alone with your equipment?

  • They must first know how to use the right abbreviations and Q signals
  • They must first know the right frequencies and emission modes for transmitting
  • Correct Answer
    They must hold suitable amateur radio qualifications before they are allowed to be control operators
  • They must not use your equipment without your permission

The holder of an Amateur certificate, the 'Control Operator', must be in charge of the station whenever it is on the air. Your certificate does not grant spouse, siblings or relatives privileges to be 'Control Operators' ( i.e., use the station in your absence ).

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The owner of an amateur station may:

  • Correct Answer
    permit any person to operate the station under the supervision and in the presence of the holder of the amateur operator certificate
  • permit anyone to take part in communications only if prior written permission is received from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • permit anyone to use the station without restrictions
  • permit anyone to use the station and take part in communications

The holder of an Amateur certificate, the 'Control Operator', must be in charge of the station whenever it is on the air.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is correct?

  • Correct Answer
    Any person may operate an amateur station under supervision, and in the presence of, a person holding appropriate qualifications
  • A person, holding only Basic Qualification, may operate another station on 14.2 MHz
  • Radio amateurs may permit any person to operate the station without supervision
  • Any person may operate a station in the amateur radio service

A Basic Qualification alone does not grant privileges below 30 MHz. A 'Control Operator' must hold an amateur certificate and supervise the station.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What is a transmission called that disturbs other communications?

  • Correct Answer
    Harmful interference
  • Interrupted CW
  • Transponder signals
  • Unidentified transmissions

"Harmful Interference": "Adverse effect of electromagnetic energy...that endangers the use of a safety-related radiocommunication system... OR significantly degrades, or obstructs or repeatedly interrupts the use of radio apparatus or radio-sensitive equipment." (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When may you deliberately interfere with another station's communications?

  • Correct Answer
  • Only if the station is operating illegally
  • Only if the station begins transmitting on a frequency you are using
  • You may expect, and cause, deliberate interference because it can't be helped during crowded band conditions

Deliberate harmful interference is ALWAYS prohibited.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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If the regulations say that the amateur service is a secondary user of a frequency band, and another service is a primary user, what does this mean?

  • Amateurs must increase transmitter power to overcome any interference caused by primary users
  • Correct Answer
    Amateurs are allowed to use the frequency band only if they do not cause interference to primary users
  • Nothing special: all users of a frequency band have equal rights to operate
  • Amateurs are only allowed to use the frequency band during emergencies

Primary User and Secondary User are statuses assigned to different services when frequency bands are allocated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. "Stations of a secondary service: a) shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary service, b) cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service". For example, on 430-450 MHz and 902-928 MHz, the Amateur Radio Service has secondary status behind other services.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What rule applies if two amateurs want to use the same frequency?

  • Station operators in ITU Regions 1 and 3 must yield the frequency to stations in ITU Region 2
  • Correct Answer
    Both station operators have an equal right to operate on the frequency
  • The station operator with a lesser qualification must yield the frequency to an operator of higher qualification
  • The station operator with a lower power output must yield the frequency to the station with a higher power output

Common-sense and respect are expected out of amateurs in sharing radio spectrum. No organization, qualification or activity can claim exclusive and priority use of a given frequency.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What name is given to a form of interference that seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service?

  • Intentional interference
  • Adjacent interference
  • Disruptive interference
  • Correct Answer
    Harmful interference

"Harmful Interference": "Adverse effect of electromagnetic energy...that endangers the use of a safety-related radiocommunication system... OR significantly degrades, or obstructs or repeatedly interrupts the use of radio apparatus or radio-sensitive equipment." (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Where interference to the reception of radiocommunications is caused by the operation of an amateur station:

  • Correct Answer
    the Minister may require that the necessary steps for the prevention of the interference be taken by the radio amateur
  • the amateur station operator is not obligated to take any action
  • the amateur station operator may continue to operate without restrictions
  • the amateur station operator may continue to operate and the necessary steps can be taken when the amateur operator can afford it

"The Department shall order the persons in control of the equipment to cease or modify operation until such time it can be operated without causing interference". (Radiocommunication Regulations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Radio amateur operation must not cause interference to other radio services operating in which of the following bands?

  • 7.0 to 7.1 MHz
  • 144.0 to 148.0 MHz
  • 14.0 to 14.2 MHz
  • Correct Answer
    430.0 to 450.0 MHz

Primary User and Secondary User are statuses assigned to different services when frequency bands are allocated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. "Stations of a secondary service: a) shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary service, b) cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service". For example, on 430-450 MHz and 902-928 MHz, the Amateur Radio Service has secondary status behind other services.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Radio amateur operations are not ARE NOT protected from interference caused by another service operating in which of the following frequency bands?

  • 144 to 148 MHz
  • 222 to 225 MHz
  • 50 to 54 MHz
  • Correct Answer
    902 to 928 MHz

Primary User and Secondary User are statuses assigned to different services when frequency bands are allocated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. "Stations of a secondary service: a) shall not cause harmful interference to stations of primary service, b) cannot claim protection from harmful interference from stations of a primary service". For example, on 430-450 MHz and 902-928 MHz, the Amateur Radio Service has secondary status behind other services.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following is not correct? The operator of an amateur station:

  • shall not cause harmful interference to a station in another service which has primary use of that band
  • may conduct technical experiments using the station apparatus
  • may make trials or tests, except if there is a possibility of interference to other stations
  • Correct Answer
    may make trials or tests, even though there is a possibility of interfering with other stations

key words: NOT CORRECT. Conducting tests which may result in 'harmful interference' is prohibited.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of these amateur bands may be heavily occupied by licence exempt devices?

  • 3.5 to 4.0 MHz
  • 430 to 450 MHz
  • 135.7 to 137.8 kHz
  • Correct Answer
    902 to 928 MHz

135.7 to 137.8 kHz Fixed (primary), Maritime mobile (primary), Amateur (secondary). 3.5 to 4.0 MHz Amateur (primary). 144 to 148 MHz Amateur (primary). 430 to 450 MHz Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary). 902 to 928 MHz Fixed (primary), Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary), also designated for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. 1240 to 1300 MHz Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary). 2300 to 2450 MHz Fixed (primary), Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary), also designated for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. (Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The amateur radio service is authorized to share a portion of what Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) band that is heavily used by licence exempt devices?

  • Correct Answer
    2300 to 2450 MHz
  • 430 to 450 MHz
  • 144 to 148 MHz
  • 1240 to 1300 MHz

135.7 to 137.8 kHz Fixed (primary), Maritime mobile (primary), Amateur (secondary). 3.5 to 4.0 MHz Amateur (primary). 144 to 148 MHz Amateur (primary). 430 to 450 MHz Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary). 902 to 928 MHz Fixed (primary), Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary), also designated for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. 1240 to 1300 MHz Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary). 2300 to 2450 MHz Fixed (primary), Radiolocation (primary), Amateur (secondary), also designated for industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) applications. (Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Amateur radio stations may communicate:

  • with any station involved in a real or simulated emergency
  • Correct Answer
    only with other amateur stations
  • with anyone who uses international Morse code
  • with non amateur stations

Article 47 of the Radiocommunication Regulations states "A person who operates radio apparatus in the amateur radio service may only (a) communicate with a radio station that operates in the amateur radio service". Article 48 further states "In a real or simulated emergency, a person operating radio apparatus in the amateur radio service may only communicate with a radio station that is in the amateur radio service in order to transmit a message that relates to the real or simulated emergency on behalf of a person, government or relief organization". A notice published in February 2000 invalidated this statement "In a real or simulated emergency, the operator of an amateur station may communicate any message that relates to that emergency on behalf of any person, government or relief organization".

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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During relief operations in the days following a disaster, when may an amateur use his equipment to communicate on frequencies outside amateur bands?

  • Correct Answer
  • When relaying messages on behalf of government agencies
  • When messages are destined to agencies without amateur radio support
  • When normal communication systems are overloaded, damaged or disrupted

"An operator of an amateur station may operate within the frequency bands set out in the attached Schedules I, II and III in accordance with the operator's qualifications identified for the specified band". (RBR-4, Frequency Bands and Qualifications)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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If you hear an unanswered distress signal on an amateur band where you do not have privileges to communicate:

  • you may offer assistance after contacting Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada for permission to do so
  • you may not offer assistance
  • Correct Answer
    you should offer assistance
  • you may offer assistance using international Morse code only

key word: UNANSWERED. You may exceed your normal privileges to help a station in distress.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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In the amateur radio service, it is permissible to broadcast:

  • programming that originates from a broadcast undertaking
  • Correct Answer
    radio communications required for the immediate safety of life of individuals or the immediate protection of property
  • music
  • commercially recorded material

Music, commercially recorded material and broadcasts are not permitted. Amateur radio can be used for distress communications.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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An amateur radio station in distress may:

  • only use radiocommunication bands for which the operator is qualified to use
  • use any means of radiocommunication, but only on internationally recognized emergency channels
  • only Morse code communications on internationally recognized emergency channels
  • Correct Answer
    any means of radiocommunication

You may exceed your normal privileges if you are in distress.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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During a disaster, when may an amateur station make transmissions necessary to meet essential communication needs and assist relief operations?

  • Never: only official emergency stations may transmit in a disaster
  • When normal communication systems are working but are not convenient
  • Only when the local emergency net is activated
  • Correct Answer
    When normal communication systems are overloaded, damaged or disrupted

Amateurs have a long history of handling communication when normal systems (e.g., telephone) are unavailable. When communications systems are restored, amateurs must return to the "no business" rule.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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During an emergency, what power output limitations must be observed by a station in distress?

  • 200 watts PEP
  • Correct Answer
    There are no limitations for a station in distress
  • 1000 watts PEP during daylight hours, reduced to 200 watts PEP during the night
  • 1500 watts PEP

You may exceed your normal privileges if you are in distress.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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During a disaster:

  • use any United Nations approved frequency
  • Correct Answer
    most communications are handled by nets using predetermined frequencies in amateur bands. Operators not directly involved with disaster communications are requested to avoid making unnecessary transmissions on or near frequencies being used for disaster communications
  • use only frequencies in the 80 metre band
  • use only frequencies in the 40 metre band

A 'net' (short for network) is a time and frequency where a given activity is conducted. Traffic is directed by a 'net control station'.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Messages from recognized public service agencies may be handled by amateur radio stations:

  • Correct Answer
    during peace time and civil emergencies and exercises
  • using Morse code only
  • when Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada has issued a special authorization
  • only on the 7 and 14 MHz bands

Messages from organizations such as the Red Cross or Civil Protection can be handled by amateurs at all times.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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It is permissible to interfere with the working of another station if:

  • you both wish to contact the same station
  • the other station is interfering with your transmission
  • Correct Answer
    your station is directly involved with a distress situation
  • the other station is not operating according to the Radiocommunication Regulations

key words: DIRECTLY INVOLVED with distress. This is the only acceptable excuse for interference.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What kind of payment is allowed for third-party messages sent by an amateur station?

  • Correct Answer
    No payment of any kind is allowed
  • Donation of amateur equipment
  • Donation of equipment repairs
  • Any amount agreed upon in advance

"A person who operates in the Amateur Radio service shall do so without demanding or accepting remuneration in any form". (Radiocommunication Regulations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Radiocommunications transmitted by stations other than a broadcasting station may be divulged or used:

  • during peacetime civil emergencies
  • Correct Answer
    if it is transmitted by an amateur station
  • if transmitted by any station using the international Morse code
  • if transmitted in English or French

"No person shall make use of or divulge a radio-based communication" except if it originates from a broadcaster ( e.g., the CBC) or an Amateur Radio station. (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The operator of an amateur station:

  • may accept a gift or gratuity in lieu of remuneration for any message that the person transmits or receives
  • Correct Answer
    shall not demand or accept remuneration in any form, in respect of a radiocommunication that the person transmits or receives
  • shall charge no less than $10 for each message that the person transmits or receives
  • shall charge no more than $10 for each message that the person transmits or receives

"A person who operates in the Amateur Radio service shall do so without demanding or accepting remuneration in any form". (Radiocommunication Regulations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following is not an exception from the penalties under the Act, for divulging, intercepting or using information obtained through radiocommunication, other than broadcasting?

  • Where it is for the purpose of preserving or protecting property, or for the prevention of harm to a person
  • Where it is for the purpose of giving evidence in a criminal or civil proceeding in which persons are required to give evidence
  • Where it is on behalf of Canada, for the purpose of international or national defence or security
  • Correct Answer
    Where it is to provide information for a journalist

key words: NOT AN EXCEPTION. Protecting property, preventing harm, giving evidence and national security are valid exceptions to the privacy of communications.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following call signs is a valid Canadian amateur radio call sign?

  • SM2CAN
  • BY7HY
  • KA9OLS
  • Correct Answer

Valid Canadian prefixes include VA, VE, VO (letter o) and VY. [ VO1 = Newfoundland, VO2 = Labrador, VY1 = Yukon, VY2 = Nunavut ]

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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How often must an amateur station be identified?

  • At the beginning and end of each transmission
  • Correct Answer
    At least every thirty minutes, and at the beginning and at the end of a contact
  • At the beginning of a contact and at least every thirty minutes after that
  • At least once during each transmission

Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What do you transmit to identify your amateur station?

  • Your first name and your location
  • Your full name
  • Correct Answer
    Your call sign
  • Your "handle"

Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What identification, if any, is required when two amateur stations begin communications?

  • Correct Answer
    Each station must transmit its own call sign
  • No identification is required
  • Both stations must transmit both call signs
  • One of the stations must give both stations' call signs

Each station is required to identify itself. Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What identification, if any, is required when two amateur stations end communications?

  • Correct Answer
    Each station must transmit its own call sign
  • No identification is required
  • One of the stations must transmit both stations' call signs
  • Both stations must transmit both call signs

Each station is required to identify itself. Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What is the longest period of time an amateur station can transmit, without identifying by call sign?

  • 10 minutes
  • Correct Answer
    30 minutes
  • 20 minutes
  • 15 minutes

Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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When may an amateur transmit unidentified communications?

  • Correct Answer
    Never, except to control a model craft
  • Only for brief tests not meant as messages
  • Only if it does not interfere with others
  • Only for two-way or third-party communications

key word: UNINDENTIFIED. Any test transmission must include station identification. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification. Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What language may you use when identifying your station?

  • Any language being used for a contact
  • Any language being used for a contact, providing Canada has a third-party communications agreement with that country
  • Any language of a country which is a member of the International Telecommunication Union
  • Correct Answer
    English or French

key word: IDENTIFYING. Contact may be conducted in any language but identification must be in one of the two official languages. Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The call sign of an amateur station must be transmitted:

  • at intervals not greater than three minutes when using voice communications
  • at intervals not greater than ten minutes when using Morse code
  • when requested to do so by the station being called
  • Correct Answer
    at the beginning and at the end of each exchange of communications and at intervals not greater than 30 minutes

Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The call sign of an amateur station must be sent:

  • once after initial contact
  • Correct Answer
    at the beginning and end of each exchange of communications, and at least every 30 minutes, while in communications
  • every minute
  • every 15 minutes

Station identification: your call sign in English or French, at the START and the END of a contact or test transmission and every 30 minutes at the most. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification. Only Remote-Control transmissions to model craft need not include station identification.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The call sign of a Canadian amateur radio station would normally start with the letters:

  • Correct Answer
    VA, VE, VO or VY
  • GA, GE, MO or VQ
  • A, K, N or W
  • EA, EI, RO or UY

Valid Canadian prefixes include VA, VE, VO (letter o) and VY. [ VO1 = Newfoundland, VO2 = Labrador, VY1 = Yukon, VY2 = Nunavut ]

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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