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Subelement A

General Information and System Overview:

Section 3

Sea Areas:

The Sea Area you are in is determined by:

  • The vessel's distance from shore.
  • The types of maintenance available to your vessel.
  • Correct Answer
    Whether the ship station is in range of a VHF-DSC, MF-DSC, HF-DSC Coast Station or Inmarsat coverage.
  • Whether the ship only makes domestic/coastal voyages or it goes international.
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If a vessel is on a voyage from Miami, Florida to Houston, Texas what Sea Areas may it transit through?

  • Sea area A3 if it is beyond range of a MF-DSC equipped coast station.
  • Sea area A2 or A3 if it is not within range of a VHF-DSC equipped coast station.
  • Sea area A1 only if within range of a VHF-DSC equipped coast station.
  • Correct Answer
    All of these answers may be correct depending on coast station DSC coverage.
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If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?

  • Correct Answer
    Sea area A1
  • Coastal and international zones
  • Inland and coastal waters
  • Sea areas A1 and A2
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For a vessel to be in GMDSS Sea Area A-1:

  • The vessel must be within VHF range of a Public Correspondence Station.
  • Correct Answer
    The vessel must be within range of a coast station equipped with continuous VHF-DSC capability.
  • The vessel must be within VHF range of a U. S. C. G. communication station.
  • The vessel must be within VHF range of either a U. S. C. G. or a Public Correspondence Station.
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A vessel is on a coastwise voyage that results in a distance off shore of 10 to 40 nm and therefore:

  • The vessel must be able to communicate with a coast station on Ch-16 to be within Sea Area A-1.
  • Correct Answer
    To be within Sea Area A-1 the vessel must continuously be within range of a coast station with VHF-DSC capability.
  • The vessel will always be in Sea Area A-1because all coastal voyages have A-1 DSC coverage.
  • To be within Sea Area A-1 the vessel must continuously be within range of a coast station with MF-DSC capability.
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What is defined as the area within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regulation for GMDSS?

  • Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IOR
  • Sea Area A2
  • Correct Answer
    Sea Area A1
  • Coastal and Inland Waters
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