Survival Craft Equip & S.A.R.:
Survival Craft Transceivers:
With what other stations may portable survival craft transceivers not communicate?
With what other stations may portable survival craft transceivers NOT communicate?
(A). Communication between the ship and survival craft transceivers ashore.
No point of communication if survivalcraft transceiver is ASHORE.
Proper communications for portable survival craft:
Communications between...
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart W § 80.1113 Transmission of a distress alert.
47 CFR 80.1113 Ship-to-shore distress alerts are used to alert Rescue Coordination Centers via coast stations or coast earth stations that a ship is in distress. These alerts are based on the use of transmissions via satellites (from a ship earth station or a satellite EPIRB) and terrestrial services (from ship stations and EPIRBs).
47 CFR 80.1113(d) Ship-to-ship distress alerts are used to alert other ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress and are based on the use of digital selective calling in the VHF and MF bands. The HF bands should not be used to notify ships in the vicinity unless no response is received within five minutes on VHF or MF.
47 CFR 80.1113(e) Shore-to-ship distress alert relays are used by a station or Rescue Coordination Center to relay information about a ship in distress to, as appropriate, all ships, a selected group of ships, or a specific ship by satellite and/or terrestrial means. The distress alert relay must contain the identification of the mobile unit in distress, its position and all other information which might facilitate rescue.
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Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what capability?
Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what capability?
(B). Operation on Ch-16.
Requirements for VHF survival radio include:
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart F § 80.271 Technical requirements for portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers.
47 CFR 80.271(a) Portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers must comply with the following:
The transceivers must receive and transmit either on 457.525 MHz or on 156.800 MHz;
The receiver must comply with the requirements in part 15, subpart B of this chapter and must have a sensitivity of not more than 2 microvolts;
The effective radiated power of the transmitter must be at least 0.1 watt;
The transceivers must be battery powered and operate for at least four hours with a transmit to receive ratio of 1:9 with no significant adverse effect upon the performance of the device;
The transceivers must have a permanently attached waterproof label with the statement “Complies with the FCC requirements for survival craft two-way radiotelephone equipment”; and
The antenna must be permanently attached to the device or its removal must require the use of a special tool.
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Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what characteristics?
Equipment for radiotelephony use in survival craft stations under GMDSS must have what characteristics?
(C). Operation on Ch-16, watertight, permanently-affixed antenna.
Requirements for two-way VHF radio units include:
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart F § 80.271 Technical requirements for portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers.
47 CFR 80.271(a) Portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers must comply with the following:
The transceivers must receive and transmit either on 457.525 MHz or on 156.800 MHz;
The receiver must comply with the requirements in part 15, subpart B of this chapter and must have a sensitivity of not more than 2 microvolts;
The effective radiated power of the transmitter must be at least 0.1 watt;
The transceivers must be battery powered and operate for at least four hours with a transmit to receive ratio of 1:9 with no significant adverse effect upon the performance of the device;
The transceivers must have a permanently attached waterproof label with the statement “Complies with the FCC requirements for survival craft two-way radiotelephone equipment”; and
The antenna must be permanently attached to the device or its removal must require the use of a special tool.
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Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment?
Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment?
B. Operates simplex on Ch-70 and at least one other channel.
Requirements for VHF survival radio include:
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart F § 80.271 Technical requirements for portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers.
47 CFR 80.271(a) Portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers must comply with the following:
The transceivers must receive and transmit either on 457.525 MHz or on 156.800 MHz;
The receiver must comply with the requirements in part 15, subpart B of this chapter and must have a sensitivity of not more than 2 microvolts;
The effective radiated power of the transmitter must be at least 0.1 watt;
The transceivers must be battery powered and operate for at least four hours with a transmit to receive ratio of 1:9 with no significant adverse effect upon the performance of the device;
The transceivers must have a permanently attached waterproof label with the statement “Complies with the FCC requirements for survival craft two-way radiotelephone equipment”; and
The antenna must be permanently attached to the device or its removal must require the use of a special tool.
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Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of VHF Survival Craft Transceivers?
Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of VHF Survival Craft Transceivers?
(A). Operation on Ch-13 is mandatory.
Requirements for VHF radios include:
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart F § 80.271 Technical requirements for portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers.
47 CFR 80.271(a) Portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers must comply with the following:
The transceivers must receive and transmit either on 457.525 MHz or on 156.800 MHz;
The receiver must comply with the requirements in part 15, subpart B of this chapter and must have a sensitivity of not more than 2 microvolts;
The effective radiated power of the transmitter must be at least 0.1 watt;
The transceivers must be battery powered and operate for at least four hours with a transmit to receive ratio of 1:9 with no significant adverse effect upon the performance of the device;
The transceivers must have a permanently attached waterproof label with the statement “Complies with the FCC requirements for survival craft two-way radiotelephone equipment”; and
The antenna must be permanently attached to the device or its removal must require the use of a special tool.
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Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment?
Which statement is NOT true regarding the requirements of survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment?
(B). Operates simplex on Ch-70 and at least one other channel.
Requirements for two-way VHF radio units include:
From Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47 Chapter I Subchapter D Part 80 Subpart F § 80.271 Technical requirements for portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers.
47 CFR 80.271(a) Portable survival craft radiotelephone transceivers must comply with the following:
The transceivers must receive and transmit either on 457.525 MHz or on 156.800 MHz;
The receiver must comply with the requirements in part 15, subpart B of this chapter and must have a sensitivity of not more than 2 microvolts;
The effective radiated power of the transmitter must be at least 0.1 watt;
The transceivers must be battery powered and operate for at least four hours with a transmit to receive ratio of 1:9 with no significant adverse effect upon the performance of the device;
The transceivers must have a permanently attached waterproof label with the statement “Complies with the FCC requirements for survival craft two-way radiotelephone equipment”; and
The antenna must be permanently attached to the device or its removal must require the use of a special tool.
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