Modulation modes; amateur satellite operation, operating activities, non-voice communications
Operating activities; radio direction finding, radio control, contests, special event stations, basic linking over Internet
Which of the following methods is used to locate sources of noise interference or jamming?
When there is radio interference, whether intentional or unintentional, you can use radio direction finding to track down the interfering noise source. This can be a directional antenna or some other means of determining where the offender is located. After you have a direction from two locations you can pinpoint where to go to find your culprit.
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Tags: troubleshooting noise and interference definitions activities
Which of these items would be useful for a hidden transmitter hunt?
A hidden transmitter hunt, also known as a "Fox Hunt", involves having a hidden transmitter (the "fox") that transmits periodically while other operators attempt to find it. The simplest way to do this is to watch the signal strength meter on your radio while rotating a directional antenna to find out from which direction the signal is the strongest.
A calibrated SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) meter might be helpful for tuning your antenna, but for a fox hunt you may actually want an out of tune antenna -- since it wouldn't receive as well, it would be easier to see where the signal is coming from =)
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Tags: directional antenna activities
What popular operating activity involves contacting as many stations as possible during a specified period of time?
Contests are a very popular and fun use of HF. During a contest, all operators participating keep a log of what stations they have contacted and rather than having a conversation with them will exchange the minimum information required to confirm the contact and for the contest rules with as many stations as possible for the duration of the contest.
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Tags: activities
Which of the following is good procedure when contacting another station in a radio contest?
Since the purpose of a radio contest is to see how many stations you can contact during the duration of a contest, the most important things are to make sure that both stations have accurately recorded the identification of the stations (so you should certainly not use only two letters of your call) and that you don't take more of their time than necessary, thus slowing them down (and so you shouldn't work the station more than once).
Always be brief, but also be concise and complete.
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Tags: activities best practices
What is a grid locator?
A Grid Locator, also known as a Grid Square, is basically a shorthand for location based on latitude and longitude. For more information visit squares
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Tags: definitions
For what purpose is a temporary "1 by 1" format (letter-number-letter) call sign assigned?
1x1 call signs can only be used for a pre-specified time and must be requested specifically for use during a particular activity which has special significance to the amateur community.
1x1 stations are not used for experimental stations and have nothing to do with deceased relatives.
During the 2000 Scout Jamboral in Fillmore, Utah several of the amateur radio operators helping with security used 1x1 (K7J, etc) callsigns that were issued to them specifically for use during that event.
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Tags: call signs activities
What is the maximum power allowed when transmitting telecommand signals to radio controlled models?
Telecommands are limited to a maximum power as the transmitted signals do not have, or require, any form of regular station identification. A low power value, such as 1 watt, is specified in order to limit the distance which the signal will propagate. All other forms of communication in the amateur authorized bands require regular intervals of station identification.
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Tags: transmit power radio operation
What is required in place of on-air station identification when sending signals to a radio control model using amateur frequencies?
When using a radio control model, you can't exactly transmit your callsign every 10 minutes. First, really read the question (emphasis added) -- "What is required in place of on-air station identification." Since we are looking for something in place of on-air identification, you know that it can't be some form of on-air identification, which eliminates two of the answers. From a more practical perspective, just imagine what would happen to your model aircraft if every ten minutes there was a 20 second period in which you couldn't control it because you were identifying! What if that occurred during a crucial point? It would be bad and potentially very expensive.
FCC rules require in this case that a label with the name, call sign, and address of the licensee be affixed to the transmitter. Also, of course, make sure that you're operating it in bands where it is allowed.
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Tags: rules and regulations radio operation
How might you obtain a list of active nodes that use VoIP?
The FCC rulebook provides guidelines for what is allowed, and local coordinators keep track of which repeaters are using which frequencies in which location in order to avoid interference between different nodes in the same area. None of those three sources would provide any definite information about what technologies or features a specific repeater has.
The best place to find information such as a list of active nodes that use VoIP is from an actively maintained repeater directory. A Repeater Directory is a list that someone (company, club, community, etc) maintains of repeaters that has information such as what features are on the repeater, who owns it, callsign, etc.
There are many repeater directories, both on paper and on the internet, such as here and here.
Last edited by bud 357. Register to edit
Tags: frequencies repeater
How do you select a specific IRLP node when using a portable transceiver?
**The aim of the IRLP is to link radio systems separated by long distance without the use of expensive leased lines, satellites, or controllers. IRLP uses Voice-Over-IP and the internet.
Using your handheld or mobile, you can access the system, and talk on simplex or repeater somewhere else in the world , i.e. Australia. This is a boon to those who like to work DX but are living in areas where they can not put up an HF station and antennae. Canadian Amateurs with their Basic qualification can work DX countries using IRLP. IRLP local nodes are on 2 metres, 70 cm, and 6 metres.
All YOU require is your radio, a DTMF keypad, (or outboard DTMF audio sending unit), and of course the access codes for the IRLP network. **
(Text copied from Kingston Amateur Radio Club website)
Last edited by bud 357. Register to edit
Tags: repeater
What name is given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet?
In computer terms a gateway is the name of a device that connects two different networks together; a router is a type of gateway. Thus, a station that connects a packet radio network to the Internet is also a gateway.
A digipeater is a station that receives packets and then retransmits them; it's the only distractor that would make any sense, but it has nothing to do with the Internet, though it is possible for a digipeater to also be a gateway.
Repeaters simultaneously retransmit signals on another frequency and are used for voice operation; beacons transmit some form of information periodically. Neither has anything to do with packet radio.
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Tags: repeater digital modes