KB9EWG: GLAARG Online Exam Session - 5978 - 7:00pm Central time - 1:00 AM (GMT) (FREE for minors, students w/current ID, first responders, active military, veterans) Sunday @ 7:00 - 9:00
January 30, 2022 at 7:00pm CST 1:00 AM (GMT) Online Exam
- Exam fees are waived for minors 18 years and under, students with a current ID, first responders, Active Military, Veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra.
- All classes of exams offered. Order of exams are Technician, General, Amateur Extra. Please make sure that you study for the correct exam. This session is for the exam only and not for the prep course.
- You can take more than one exam per session. We only ask that you have studied for that element and have been scoring at least 80% on practice tests.
- ZOOM session invite and invoice will be sent to the email used to register.
- Must have computer/laptop with stable Internet, video, and audio. No headphones or earbuds.
- If you are not 13 years of age or older you may not register for any exam session through HamStudy.org or ExamTools.org until your parent or guardian has filled out our COPPA Parental Consent Form and emailed it to coppa@examtools.org. Please send a courtesy copy to kb9ewg@gmail.com.
- You will need an FRN. If you don't have one already, you will need to obtain one at https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/universal-licensing-system-uls-resources/getting-fcc-registration-number-frn.
General rules and instructions: https://glaarg.org/remote-sessions-faqs/
Fully-Remote Amateur Radio Exam Administration Video: https://youtu.be/lovtrgFJtJ8
Contact info: kb9ewg@gmail.com
MUST BE READY TO PASS When the session becomes full, please email kb9ewg@gmail.com directly for additional availability in this session, or to be added to a waitlist or Check Availability in All Online GLAARG Sessions.
GLAARG Remote Exam Fees $10.
**If you qualify for your fee to be waived for full-time students, minors, active military, vets, first responders, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra, Please email me kb9ewg@gmail.com
If you are eligible for a wavier please complete this form: https://forms.gle/JBvDg95LZcHoEU9CA
A few days before your exam, you will be invoiced via PayPal to the email which you used to register. It is due upon receipt! Please pay to ensure your place on the manifest.
If you don’t receive an invoice a week before your exam schedule, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.
Expect a Zoom link to be sent out a few hours before the exam. Please check your spam/junk folder for our email messages and mark them "Not Spam".
We put together a team of VOLUNTEERs to administer these exams and out of respect for their time, please contact me if your plans change and you can't attend a session that you registered for!