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Salem (OR) ARC Exam Session 6055 (Dallas, OR) GLAARG

May 21, 2022 (Sat)
10:00-11:00am PDT
Test Fee:
1175 SE Howe St, Dallas, OR 97338, USA
view map
Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group
Slots available:
1 / 25 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Please pre-register using the "Register" button this page. During that process, make sure you get an FRN number.

Please pay your $10 testing fee ahead of time using the link: https://www.paypal.me/glaargexamfee Make sure to include session ID #6055 (Remember that exam fees are waived for minors, students with a current ID, first responders, Active Military, Veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra.)

You MUST bring your own device for testing -- laptop, tablet or smartphone -- and your photo ID. This is an in-person testing session in Dallas, OR.

Note down your PIN number for easy access to testing after you arrive.

Questions: Email Jeff N7DS SARC.testing@gmail.com