SANDARC Escondido In-person Exam Session
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Saturday, May 28th, at 9 am PST In-Person Exam
SANDARC's Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) offers free in-person and online testing for all FCC Amateur Radio licenses.
SANDARC does not charge for first time license exam, re-test nor license upgrade.
Test for your Technician, General or Extra Class License. Multiple elements allowed. Please make sure that you have studied and you are passing practice exams with 80% or higher.
Our Volunteer Examiners are mostly San Diego hams who dedicate their time and expertise to ensure that the testing process fully complies with FCC regulations and procedures.
If you have ever held an Amateur Radio License issued by the FCC or are testing for an upgrade to General or Extra, please use your existing FRN# to register. Bring along an Original or Reference copy of your expired or current Amateur Radio License as evidence so we can issue appropriate credit.
For more information, contact Marty AF5T at or Jo Ashley at Email contact is preferred. You MUST register for any exam at this location. NO walk-ins permitted, until further notice. Seating is limited.
This location requests that you do not bring tobacco products, coffee or tea onto the property.