W2LP GLAARG Online Exam Session - EXAM 6125 - 6PM EDT (FREE for minors, students w/current ID, first responders, active military, veterans)
- Exam fees are waived for minors 18 years AND under, students with a current ID, first responders, active military, veterans, or GLAARG VEs who are upgrading to Extra. You must fill out a fee waiver request which will be sent via email after your registration. Otherwise, all others should pay $10 invoiced via Pay Pal.
- There will now be a $35 fee from the FCC to issue a new license. Upgrades will not be issued the FCC fee. You will have 10 days after your licensing exam to log into ULS and pay the fee. Your application will be declined if you do not do this, and GLAARG fees will not be refunded! These fees are in addition to the $10 GLAARG fees.
- All classes of exams offered in this order: Technician, General, Amateur Extra. Please make sure that you study for the correct exam. This session is for the exam only. There is no preparatory component and the exam will begin shortly after you arrive.
- You may take more than one exam per session. Please study for that element at least to the point where you score 80% or higher on practice tests. You MUST email me ahead of the session to let me know that you wish to take more than one.
- ZOOM session invite and communications will be sent to the email used to register. The fee must be paid or a form submitted requesting fees to be waived within 24 hours after registration or a slot may be released for someone else.
- Computer/laptop Windows/Mac OS (preferred) with stable Internet, video, and audio. No headphones or earbuds. If you have another type of device (iPad/tablet/phone) or OS, please contact the session manager ahead of time.
- If you are under 13 years of age, you may not register for any exam session until your parent or guardian has filled out our COPPA Parental Consent Form and emailed it to coppa@examtools.org. Please send a courtesy copy to w2lp.exams@gmail.com.
- You will need an FRN. If you don't have one already, you will need to obtain one at https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/universal-licensing-system-uls-resources/getting-fcc-registration-number-frn.
General rules and instructions: https://glaarg.org/remote-sessions-faqs/
Fully-Remote Amateur Radio Exam Administration Video: https://youtu.be/lovtrgFJtJ8 for more information about remote testing in general.
When the session becomes full, please email w2lp.exams@gmail.com directly for additional availability in this session, be added to a waitlist, or Check Availability in All Online GLAARG Sessions.
Please immediately pay or submit a fee waiver request form (sent to you via email)
Click to Submit Waiver Form to have your fees waived, if you are a minor 18 years and under, a student with a current ID, a first responder, including dispatchers, active military, a veteran, or a GLAARG VE upgrading to Extra.
Expect a Zoom link to be sent out by the 3pm the day of the exam. Please check your spam/junk folder for our email messages and mark them "Not Spam".
All general and extra class licensees are welcome to join GLAARG as a Volunteer Examiner. Please sign up after your upgrade or vanity call has been posted to the ULS. GLAARG VE APPLICATION
Contact info: w2lp.exams@gmail.com
Please pay attention to the time zone!! This exam is held in Eastern time.