Sierra Foothills VE Team - Exam Session Two
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Two exam sessions are scheduled for candidates completing the SFARC General class. Session one is scheduled for 6pm and session two at 7:30pm. Please sign up for only one session. These exams are also open to the public. Availability for each session will be based on first come, first served. Plan to arrive 15 minutes in advance and bring the following items:
- Photo ID: Current federal, state, military or passport. If under the age of 18 a valid school ID
- FRN - FCC Registration Number
- Credit or debit card to authorize a $14 payment for the exam session
- Optional: Pen/Pencil, blank sheet of paper, calculator (with memories cleared)
Please note that the exams will be administered on tablets provided by SFARC, which includes a calculator application. Candidates may not use their phone, tablet, computer or any other electronic device.