March 2024 Amateur Radio Exam Session
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NOTE: THIS IS AN IN-PERSON EXAM. We do not provide remote testing at this time.
We ask that if you are interested in taking a License exam with us that you please preregister here on HamStudy and prepay to guarantee a seat. This helps us make sure we have enough volunteers on hand to administer the exams. We will send you a link to submit your fee payment after you register.
Exam Location: South Gate Church of Christ (Classroom C9), 2700 Pulaski Hwy, Columbia TN 38401.
What to Bring: $15 exam fee (if not already prepaid), your FCC Regisration Number (FRN), and a photo ID. If you are an existing license holder upgrading to General or Extra, please bring a copy of your current license (not the CSCE). We provide pens, pencils, calculators and scrath paper.
For more details, please visit our website at