In Person Test - Hayden, Idaho
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This is the “In Person” exam session held by the KARS VE Team on the second Monday of every month at 5:00 pm Pacific time. Located at the Kootenai County Office of Emergency Management, 1662 West Wyoming Ave Hayden, ID. 83835
Please bring ($15) or a check made out to "ARRL VEC". This fee is currently reduced to $5.00 for anyone under 18 years old. Bring your ID (driver's license, passport, school ID, …), for ID verification only, we do not need a copy. A parents' ID is sufficient for children who do not have an ID. You are allowed a calculator with all memory cleared. You are not allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator. Cell phones must be turned off during the testing.
The FCC charges $35.00 fee for a new license. The FCC will contact you directly once your test has been processed and you will have 10 days to pay this fee.
If you have questions please email