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Subelement B

MF-HF-DSC-SITOR (NBDP) Equip. & Ops:

Section 20


Which of the following statements concerning SITOR (NBDP) communications is true?

  • In ARQ, each character is transmitted twice, about 250 milliseconds apart.
  • Correct Answer
    In ARQ, the "information sending station" will transmit a block of three characters that the receiving station will subsequently acknowledge or request it to be retransmitted.
  • In ARQ, the "information sending station" transmits a block of three characters twice, about 250 milliseconds apart.
  • SITOR communications can be used to contact a NAVTEX transmitting station when requesting a repeat transmission of a missed NAVTEX message.
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What statement is true regarding the exchange between two stations engaged in SITOR (NBDP) communications?

  • In ARQ, each character is transmitted twice, with the second displaced in time from the first.
  • In ARQ, the "sending" station transmits a block of three characters and the "receiving" station responds with a one character Repeat Request. Following this the "transmitting" station will send a new block.
  • Correct Answer
    In ARQ, the ISS transmits a block of 3 characters and the IRS checks for parity. If the received block is correct a control signal is sent notifying the ISS to proceed. If the parity check fails the block must be resent.
  • Broadcasts of Maritime Safety Information, traffic lists, etc. can be copied by the receiving station in ARQ mode.
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Which of the following is true of SITOR (NBDP) ARQ mode:

  • The ship station sends a group of 3 characters twice and then waits for an "RQ" signal to indicate proper receipt before transmission of the next 3 characters.
  • The Ship station sends each character twice, using a time diversity system to ensure proper parity.
  • The ship station sends a group of 3 characters, the shore station checks for proper parity and then requests the same group be resent to enable error correction.
  • Correct Answer
    The ship station sends a group of 3 characters, the shore station checks for proper parity. If parity is OK, the shore station indicates readiness for transmission of the next 3 characters.
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Which of the following keystrokes or characters follows most commands in ARQ communications when working an automated Coast Station?

  • Correct Answer
  • GA+?
  • END
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Which characters are sent by the ship station to indicate a desire to send a message via a direct connection to a shoreside TELEX subscriber?

  • MSG+
  • AMV+
  • OPR+
  • Correct Answer
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What are the characters that are transmitted to terminate a direct TELEX connection in SITOR (NBDP) operations?

  • Correct Answer
  • . . . . .
  • END+
  • EOM
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