FCC Rules, descriptions, and definitions for the Amateur Radio Service, operator and station license responsibilities
Station identification; repeaters; third-party communications; club stations; FCC inspection
When must the station licensee make the station and its records available for FCC inspection?
As a federal licensee, you're obligated to make everything available for inspection that relates to the radio amateur practice (station, records etc) if the FCC or a representative requests so. These visits are very rare and only occur when there are reasons to believe that an improper behavior has occurred. Remember have your original license available for inspection too!
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Tags: rules and regulations licensing fcc arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
When using tactical identifiers such as “Race Headquarters” during a community service net operation, how often must your station transmit the station's FCC-assigned call sign?
The rule when using tactical identifiers is the same as when not using tactical identifiers, it's every 10 minutes and at the end of each communication. What they're getting at, is that even though you might be "Race Headquarters" you still have to give your amateur radio call sign every 10 minutes.
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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 19
When is an amateur station required to transmit its assigned call sign?
97.119 Station identification.
(a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each communication, and at least every ten minutes during a communication, for the purpose of clearly making the source of the transmissions from the station known to those receiving the transmissions. No station may transmit unidentified communications or signals, or transmit as the station call sign, any call sign not authorized to the station.
So you do not have to transmit your callsign at the beginning, but you must every 10 minutes and at the end of the communication.
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Tags: operating rules call signs arrl chapter 8 arrl module 19
Which of the following is an acceptable language to use for station identification when operating in a phone sub-band?
You may use any language you wish for communications over Amateur Radio in the United States, but when identifying your station you must use English.
When you give your callsign always use English letters and/or the Nato Standard phonetic alphabet.
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Tags: operating rules arrl chapter 8 arrl module 19
What method of call sign identification is required for a station transmitting phone signals?
Indicators are never used when transmitting phone signals (phone means you're just talking with voice); you just use your callsign. You can identify with either phone (voice) or CW (Continuous Wave, which means morse code). Repeaters often use morse code for identification.
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Tags: call signs operating rules morse code arrl chapter 8 arrl module 19
Which of the following formats of a self-assigned indicator is acceptable when identifying using a phone transmission?
Mnemonic: Stroke, Slash, Slant = all the Same
Thus All of these choices are correct
A self assigned indicator will be used to let others know when you are not operating at your normal licensed station location. You would sign with your call sign followed by a code indicating your current location.
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Tags: self-assigned indicator call signs operating rules arrl chapter 8 arrl module 19
Which of the following restrictions apply when a non-licensed person is allowed to speak to a foreign station using a station under the control of a Technician class control operator?
When a non-licensed person speaks over an amateur radio station, he or she is the 3rd party. The other two are the licensed amateurs at both ends. So as soon as the question mentions a non-licensed person talking, look for "third party" in the answer.
3rd parties are not limited to US Citizens.
The 3rd party can provide the identification of the station.
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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 20
What is meant by the term "Third Party Communications"?
This one is a matter of remembering the Part 97 definition of "Third Party Communications".
§97.3(a)(47) Third party communications. A message from the control operator (first party) of an amateur station to another amateur station control operator (second party) on behalf of another person (third party).
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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 20
What type of amateur station simultaneously retransmits the signal of another amateur station on a different channel or channels?
Repeater stations are one of the most important types of stations to understand if you plan to operate on 2m or 70cm (which most technician licensees will). Repeater stations listen on one frequency (for example 147.94MHz) and retransmit anything they receive on another frequency; generally the two frequencies are separated by a well-known offset. On 2 meters the offset is usually 600kHz and on 70cm it is usually 5MHz.
The only distractor listed that seems like it might be correct is "Message forwarding station". However, a message forwarding station would receive a message and then forward it, not retransmit simultaneously. Beacon stations don't usually receive at all -- they just transmit periodically to help other stations determine wave propagation conditions. Earth stations are simply radio stations that are located within 50km of the Earth's surface.
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Tags: station types repeater arrl module 2 arrl chapter 2
Who is accountable should a repeater inadvertently retransmit communications that violate the FCC rules?
Repeaters run on automatic control, and thus do not have a control operator present at a control point. Therefore the repeater's control operator can't be expected to watch all use of the repeater all the time.
As such, the control operator of the originating station is responsible for their own emissions, even if those are retransmitted by a repeater.
Generally speaking, whoever originates something is responsible for its content, not those in charge of whatever the content passes through.
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Tags: repeater operating rules arrl chapter 8 arrl module 21
Which of the following is a requirement for the issuance of a club station license grant?
Just remember a club must have at least four members to get a club station license grant. You can still have a club with three members, you just won't get a club station license until you get that fourth member.
§97.5(b)(2) A club station license grant. A club station license grant may be held only by the person who is the license trustee designated by an officer of the club. The trustee must be a person who holds an operator/primary station license grant. The club must be composed of at least four persons and must have a name, a document of organization, management, and a primary purpose devoted to amateur service activities consistent with this part.
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17