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Subelement T2
Operating Procedures
Section T2C
Public service: emergency and non-emergency operations; applicability of FCC rules; RACES and ARES; net and traffic procedures; operating restrictions during emergencies
When do the FCC rules NOT apply to the operation of an amateur station?
  • When operating a RACES station
  • When operating under special FEMA rules
  • When operating under special ARES rules
  • Correct Answer
    Never, FCC rules always apply

None of the situations given in this question are reasons for the FCC rules to not apply. RACES, FEMA and ARES operations are all governed by the FCC rules.

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What is meant by the term "NCS" used in net operation?
  • Nominal Control System
  • Correct Answer
    Net Control Station
  • National Communications Standard
  • Normal Communications Syntax

An amateur radio net or ham net is an on-the-air gathering of amateur radio operators.

A formal, or directed net has a single net control station (NCS) that manages its operation for a given session. The NCS operator calls the net to order at its designated start time, periodically calls for participants to join, listens for them to answer (or check in) keeps track of the roster of stations for that particular net session, and generally orchestrates the operation of the net.

(More info on Wikipedia)

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What should be done when using voice modes to ensure that voice messages containing unusual words are received correctly?
  • Send the words by voice and Morse code
  • Speak very loudly into the microphone
  • Correct Answer
    Spell the words using a standard phonetic alphabet
  • All of these choices are correct

Phone means voice. The phonetic alphabet is generally understood by operators in all countries, so using it enhances communication in identifying your station.

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Tags: operating procedures call signs arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What do RACES and ARES have in common?
  • They represent the two largest ham clubs in the United States
  • Both organizations broadcast road and weather information
  • Neither may handle emergency traffic supporting public service agencies
  • Correct Answer
    Both organizations may provide communications during emergencies

RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (only active during periods of local, regional or national civil emergencies, such as hurricane Katrina.)

ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service (sponsored by ARRL)

ARRL - American Radio Relay League

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Tags: emergency communication races arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What does the term “traffic” refer to in net operation?
  • Correct Answer
    Formal messages exchanged by net stations
  • The number of stations checking in and out of a net
  • Operation by mobile or portable stations
  • Requests to activate the net by a served agency

Traffic refers to formal messages exchanged by net stations.

An amateur radio net or ham net is an on-the-air gathering of amateur radio operators. But there are different types of nets with different levels of formality and different purposes.

Traffic nets operate primarily to relay formal written messages.

(More info on Wikipedia)

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

Which of the following is an accepted practice to get the immediate attention of a net control station when reporting an emergency?
  • Repeat "SOS" three times followed by the call sign of the reporting station
  • Press the push-to-talk button three times
  • Correct Answer
    Begin your transmission by saying "Priority" or "Emergency" followed by your call sign
  • Play a pre-recorded emergency alert tone followed by your call sign

During net operations there are commonly many stations participating and attempting to communicate. It is very important that the priority of your emergency be established immediately, so the first words of your transmission should convey that. "Priority" or "Emergency" should be stated immediately so that there is no confusion about your intent and need.

The term SOS does not actually make sense except in morse code and pressing the push to talk button multiple times is likely to simply be ignored as normal radio static or a malfunctioning radio. Similarly a pre-recorded emergency alert tone would probably be taken as an accidental transmission by someone. When in doubt, say it straight; in amateur radio we don't do secret codes.

Note: The closest thing to a "pre-recorded emergency alert tone" that is used is LiTZ which means Long Term Zero. This is not something that is used on an emergency net! It is an emergency repeater feature where if someone transmits a DTMF 0 tone for >3 seconds on a repeater's input frequency the repeater can provide instructions, phone/page the control operator of the repeater, or possibly phone emergency services. It is only used in an emergency when a radio operator can reach a repeater but nobody is currently listening. It is not used on an emergency net or when a human is responding to calls!

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Tags: emergency communication operating procedures arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

Which of the following is an accepted practice for an amateur operator who has checked into a net?
  • Provided that the frequency is quiet, announce the station call sign and location every 5 minutes
  • Move 5 kHz away from the net's frequency and use high power to ask other hams to keep clear of the net frequency
  • Correct Answer
    Remain on frequency without transmitting until asked to do so by the net control station
  • All of these choices are correct

In an emergency, the Net Control operator is making a list of who has checked in, with the intention or at least the possibility of calling on them later. Until dismissed, it's expected that you remain on frequency.

Transmitting during an emergency, when you've already checked in but have not been addressed by Net Control is unnecessary and could interfere with another station trying to contact Net Control, or with Net Control trying to contact another station. It's better to listen and not transmit.

Moving off frequency and asking people to keep clear of the net is a strange idea, and the wrong answer.

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

Which of the following is a characteristic of good traffic handling?
  • Correct Answer
    Passing messages exactly as received
  • Making decisions as to whether messages are worthy of relay or delivery
  • Ensuring that any newsworthy messages are relayed to the news media
  • All of these choices are correct

A station passing a message in an emergency has an expectation that it will be delivered, not weighed to see if it merits delivery or relay. So you're expected to deliver it.

You might think you know enough to clarify, abbreviate or otherwise change a message, but it's so risky that you should just not do it - pass the message exactly as received.

Emergency messages should always specify an originating party and the party to whom the message should be delivered. The choice about communicating messages to the news media for broadcast is generally not a good idea, unless that's the destination that was specified.

So the best answer is to pass the message exactly as received.

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

Are amateur station control operators ever permitted to operate outside the frequency privileges of their license class?
  • No
  • Yes, but only when part of a FEMA emergency plan
  • Yes, but only when part of a RACES emergency plan
  • Correct Answer
    Yes, but only if necessary in situations involving the immediate safety of human life or protection of property

This is a bit of a trick question; emergency plans will never take into account transmitting out of band, since if you're planning it you can always plan to not need to transmit out of band.

The rule is this: Always do whatever it takes to keep people safe. If someone is going to die unless you transmit on a police (or other) frequency, transmit first and ask forgiveness later.

Just make sure that whatever action you're taking isn't interfering with something and causing more danger than you are trying to protect against!

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What information is contained in the preamble of a formal traffic message?
  • The email address of the originating station
  • The address of the intended recipient
  • The telephone number of the addressee
  • Correct Answer
    The information needed to track the message

The American Radio Relay League was originally created in order to relay messages across long distances. In order to do so safely and efficiently, the Amateur Radio Traffic Handling system was created. The first part of any message sent across this system is called the preamble.

The preamble contains information such as who the message is from, who the message is to, and information about the content of the message (specifically the number of words). This information is used to facilitate correctly routing the message through the Amateur Radio Traffic Handling System without losing any part of the message or sending it to the wrong destination.

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Tags: formal traffic message emergency communication arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What is meant by the term “check,” in reference to a formal traffic message?
  • Correct Answer
    The number of words or word equivalents in the text portion of the message
  • The value of a money order attached to the message
  • A list of stations that have relayed the message
  • A box on the message form that indicates that the message was received and/or relayed

The best practice is to use plain English and not jargon. But in the case of formal message traffic, the word, "check" means the count of words in the body (text portion) of the message.

This is a way to make sure you didn't add or drop a word from the message. This is related to the best practice of passing the message exactly as it was received.

Let’s use this as an example message we want to send:

Great seeing you yesterday. Hope to get together again soon. 73

In a radiogram, periods are written as either the letter X (“initial x-ray”), or the word XRAY. Either way, this indicates an end of a sentence. Similarly, if your message was, “How are you?” the question mark would be written as QUERY to indicate a question.

Using this method, we will write the text of the message like this:




Notice how we did not place X between SOON and 73? When wishing someone 73 at the end of a message, we generally do not include an X as it’s automatically implied. The only exception would be to include it for clarity. For example, if the end of your message was “ON AUGUST 10 73” it could be confusing this way, so we would instead say “ON AUGUST 10 X 73” to help better separate the date from wishing someone 73.

Items like X and QUERY count as a word when filling in the check, so counting what we have above, there are 12 words, and we would write 12 in the check.

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Tags: formal traffic message emergency communication arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

What is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)?
  • Correct Answer
    Licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service
  • Licensed amateurs who are members of the military and who voluntarily agreed to provide message handling services in the case of an emergency
  • A training program that provides licensing courses for those interested in obtaining an amateur license to use during emergencies
  • A training program that certifies amateur operators for membership in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

According to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL),

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.

By this statement, it's clear that ARES is not meant strictly for members of the military. Furthermore, because ARES assumes a membership of licensed amateurs, it is not intended for those interested in obtaining licenses.

Finally, ARES can indeed be a training program to help promote readiness certifications, but the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) certifies its own membership (FCC Part 97 section 407.)

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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 15

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