Television practices: fast scan television standards and techniques; slow scan television standards and techniques
How many times per second is a new frame transmitted in a fast-scan (NTSC) television system?
A frame consists of 2 fields, and fields are transmitted at almost 60 times per second (NTSC field refresh frequency is 60/1.001 Hz).
An entire frame is therefore transmitted 30 times per second.
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How many horizontal lines make up a fast-scan (NTSC) television frame?
NTSC color encoding is used with the System M television signal, which consists of 29.97 interlaced frames of video per second. Each frame is composed of two fields, each consisting of 262.5 scan lines, for a total of 525 scan lines.
483 scan lines make up the visible raster. The remainder (the vertical blanking interval) allow for vertical synchronization and retrace.
The NTSC selected 525 scan lines as a compromise between RCA's 441-scan line standard (already being used by RCA's NBC TV network) and Philco's and DuMont's desire to increase the number of scan lines to between 605 and 800.
Silly Hint: NTSC is 4 letters, making a square. 5 squared is 25. Answer is 525.
Source: Wikipedia
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How is an interlaced scanning pattern generated in a fast-scan (NTSC) television system?
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What is blanking in a video signal?
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Which of the following is an advantage of using vestigial sideband for standard fast- scan TV transmissions?
NTSC signals are amplitude modulated (AM) signals, but use a technique called vestigial sideband modulation. Vestigial sideband modulation is amplitude modulation in which one complete sideband and a portion of the other are transmitted. The reason that NTSC TV uses vestigial modulation is to conserve bandwidth. Even using this technique, an NTSC signal is 6 MHz wide. One advantage of using vestigial sideband for standard fast- scan TV transmissions is that vestigial sideband reduces bandwidth while allowing for simple video detector circuitry.
Hint: Only the correct answer has 2 "V"s in it "V"estigial and "V"ideo
Hint: Most of the answers on this exam that have to deal with bandwidth aim to reduce the amount of bandwidth used. This question is no exception. The only answer that mentions a reduction in bandwidth is the correct answer.
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What is vestigial sideband modulation?
NTSC signals are amplitude modulated (AM) signals, but use a technique called vestigial sideband modulation. Vestigial sideband modulation is amplitude modulation in which one complete sideband and a portion of the other are transmitted. (E2B06) The reason that NTSC TV uses vestigial modulation is to conserve bandwidth. Even using this technique, an NTSC signal is 6 MHz wide. One advantage of using vestigial sideband for standard fast- scan TV transmissions is that vestigial sideband reduces bandwidth while allowing for simple video detector circuitry. (E2B05)
Hint: Vestigial means a small part or portion of something larger.
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What is the name of the signal component that carries color information in NTSC video?
The Chroma (color) signal is sent as a sub-carrier modulating the main brightness signal.
Trick to remember: Component that Carries Color is Chroma
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Which of the following is a common method of transmitting accompanying audio with amateur fast-scan television?
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What hardware, other than a receiver with SSB capability and a suitable computer, is needed to decode SSTV using Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)?
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Which of the following is an acceptable bandwidth for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) based voice or SSTV digital transmissions made on the HF amateur bands?
Remember that SSTV (Slow Scan TV) transmissions have to fit into the same bandwidth as common SSB voice transmission.
Just like any SSTV transmission, 3 KHz is an acceptable bandwidth.
Answer: 3KHz
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What is the function of the Vertical Interval Signaling (VIS) code transmitted as part of an SSTV transmission?
Trick to remember: VIS CODE identifies MODE
From Wikipedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow-scan_television
A calibration header is sent before the image. It consists of a 300-millisecond leader tone at 1900 Hz, a 10 ms break at 1200 Hz, another 300-millisecond leader tone at 1900 Hz, followed by a digital VIS (vertical interval signaling) code, identifying the transmission mode used. The VIS consists of bits of 30 milliseconds in length. The code starts with a start bit at 1200 Hz, followed by 7 data bits (LSB first; 1100 Hz for 1, 1300 Hz for 0). An even parity bit follows, then a stop bit at 1200 Hz. For example, the bits corresponding to the decimal numbers 44 or 32 imply that the mode is Martin M1, whereas the number 60 represents Scottie S1.
Vertical synchronization is not relevant, as slow-scan television only transmits one frame and so does not need a vertical sync component to start a new frame.
It is not for the call sign, as this is contained in the contents of the image that is sent.
Memory aid rhyme: VIS is a code that tells you the mode
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How are analog SSTV images typically transmitted on the HF bands?
Trick to remember:
Varying Tones Single Sideband (SSTV backwards)
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How many lines are commonly used in each frame on an amateur slow-scan color television picture?
Slow-scan television (SSTV) is a picture transmission method used mainly by amateur radio operators, to transmit and receive static pictures via radio in monochrome or color.
Its the only answer with very specific numbers
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What aspect of an amateur slow-scan television signal encodes the brightness of the picture?
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What signals SSTV receiving equipment to begin a new picture line?
SSTV (Slow Scan Television) transmits images by sending a series of audio tones. Each line of the image starts with a specific "sync pulse" tone (frequency), which tells the receiving software that a new line of the picture is beginning. This pulse ensures that the software can correctly align the image lines as they come in.
In summary, the receiving software detects these specific tones to synchronize and begin drawing each new picture line.
SSTV = Specific Tone Vrequency
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Which of the following is the video standard used by North American Fast Scan ATV stations?
The answer is NTSC
PAL(Phase Alternating Line) was developed by Walter Bruch for European use when those countries were planning the introduction of colour TV.
DRM stands for Digital Radio Mondiale, a digital mode for encoding voice and SSTV. It is an open standard. (While DRM commonly means Digital Rights Management to most people, that is not its meaning in the amateur radio arena.)
Scottie is a common mode for encoding SSTV transmissions.
NTSC(National Television System Committee) is the TV system used in North America and various other countries for analog broadcasts.
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The key word is slow. You might mistakenly choose 6 MHz which is the analog TV bandwidth required to send 25 to 30 frames per second. In contrast, slow-scan at 3 kHz bandwidth takes from eight seconds to a couple of minutes to transmit a single frame.
Also, Slow-Scan is typically sent on HF and HF signals are typically limited to no more than 3 KHz or a normal voice channel.
[Possible gimmick hint: sLOW TV = LOWest VHF TV channel on most tuners is 3]
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On which of the following frequencies is one likely to find FM ATV transmissions?
In North America, the 70cm, 33cm, and 23cm bands are typically used for ATV. (See Amateur television on Wikipedia.)
So for this question, 1255 MHz (23cm band) is the most likely frequency to find FM ATV transmissions.
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What special operating frequency restrictions are imposed on slow scan TV transmissions?
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