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Subelement E4


Section E4B

Measurement techniques: Instrument accuracy and performance limitations; probes; techniques to minimize errors; measurement of Q; instrument calibration

Which of the following factors most affects the accuracy of a frequency counter?

  • Input attenuator accuracy
  • Correct Answer
    Time base accuracy
  • Decade divider accuracy
  • Temperature coefficient of the logic

A frequency counter counts the oscillations of the signal for a given period of time. For the result to be accurate, this period of time must be measured accurately.

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What is an advantage of using a bridge circuit to measure impedance?

  • It provides an excellent match under all conditions
  • It is relatively immune to drift in the signal generator source
  • Correct Answer
    The measurement is based on obtaining a signal null, which can be done very precisely
  • It can display results directly in Smith chart format

A bridge circuit uses an adjustable known reference impedance connected to the unknown impedance. The reference impedance is adjusted until a signal null is achieved. At that point, the reference impedance is equal in value to the unknown impedance. The reference impedance can then be measured.

Memory aid: In folktales, a troll (sounds like null) lives under a bridge.

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If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 1.0 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?

  • 165.2 Hz
  • 14.652 kHz
  • Correct Answer
    146.52 Hz
  • 1.4652 MHz

There could be as much as 1 Hz error for every million Hz in frequency.

So to calculate the maximum possible error - or the max difference between read frequency and the actual frequency.

Divide the frequency (in Hz) by 1,000,000 and multiply by the “parts per million” (also in Hz) to get the answer.

146,520,000 / 1,000,000 x 1.0 gives us 146.52 Hz

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If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 0.1 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?

  • Correct Answer
    14.652 Hz
  • 0.1 MHz
  • 1.4652 Hz
  • 1.4652 kHz

\[1 \text{ million} = 10^{6}\] \[0.1 \text{ ppm} = \frac{0.1}{10^6}=\frac{10^{-1}}{10^{6}}=10^{-7}\]

Move decimal point seven places to the left, or: \[\pm 0.0000001 \times 146,520,000 \text{ Hz} = \pm 14.652 \text{ Hz}\]

Better done: divide the frequency by 1,000,000 and multiply by the “parts per” to get the answer in Hz.

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If a frequency counter with a specified accuracy of +/- 10 ppm reads 146,520,000 Hz, what is the most the actual frequency being measured could differ from the reading?

  • 146.52 Hz
  • 10 Hz
  • 146.52 kHz
  • Correct Answer
    1465.20 Hz

ppm means “parts per million” divide the frequency by 1,000,000 and multiply by the “parts per” to get the answer in Hz.

(146,520,000 / 1,000,000) x 10 = 1465.20 Hz

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How much power is being absorbed by the load when a directional power meter connected between a transmitter and a terminating load reads 100 watts forward power and 25 watts reflected power?

  • 100 watts
  • 125 watts
  • 25 watts
  • Correct Answer
    75 watts

Where \(P\) is power:

\begin{align} \text{(load absorption)} &= P_\text{forward} - P_\text{reflected} &=100-25=75\:\text{Watts} \end{align}

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Which of the following is good practice when using an oscilloscope probe?

  • Correct Answer
    Keep the signal ground connection of the probe as short as possible
  • Never use a high impedance probe to measure a low impedance circuit
  • Never use a DC-coupled probe to measure an AC circuit
  • All of these choices are correct

There are multiple potential issues with having a longer ground connection:

  1. The scope is measuring the voltage differential between the ground and whatever you connect the probe to, so by keeping the ground short you minimize any voltage drop there may be.

  2. The probe tip and ground of an oscilloscope acts like a sensitive antenna loop. The bigger the loop the more undesired signals or noise it will pick up. Also, the inductance of the ground wire increases with length, which can distort high-frequency signals. So, keep it short as possible.

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Which of the following is a characteristic of a good DC voltmeter?

  • High reluctance input
  • Low reluctance input
  • Correct Answer
    High impedance input
  • Low impedance input

A voltmeter should be an infinite impedance attachment to the circuit of interest so that it has no effect in the circuit. In practice, it becomes part of the circuit and affects the signal being measured. Keeping the impedance as high as possible minimizes this effect.

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What is indicated if the current reading on an RF ammeter placed in series with the antenna feed line of a transmitter increases as the transmitter is tuned to resonance?

  • There is possibly a short to ground in the feed line
  • The transmitter is not properly neutralized
  • There is an impedance mismatch between the antenna and feed line
  • Correct Answer
    There is more power going into the antenna
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Which of the following describes a method to measure intermodulation distortion in an SSB transmitter?

  • Modulate the transmitter with two non-harmonically related radio frequencies and observe the RF output with a spectrum analyzer
  • Correct Answer
    Modulate the transmitter with two non-harmonically related audio frequencies and observe the RF output with a spectrum analyzer
  • Modulate the transmitter with two harmonically related audio frequencies and observe the RF output with a peak reading wattmeter
  • Modulate the transmitter with two harmonically related audio frequencies and observe the RF output with a logic analyzer

Caution, this one is easy to misread.

Both choices that Modulate the transmitter using two RF signals are distractors because we use audio frequencies (here abbreviated AF) to modulate the carrier in SSB mode.

You can rule out the distractors mentioning logic analyzer, which only handles digital logic signals, and peak reading wattmeter, because it just outputs a watt number - you'd have no way to know if that number represents your signal peak or a intermodulation distortion peak.
Instead you want a spectrum analyser, which shows many frequencies at once, and their current power level, letting you spot intermodulation distortion at nearby frequencies.

That leaves the correct answer Modulate the transmitter with two non-harmonically related audio frequencies and observe the RF output with a spectrum analyzer.

Silly Hint: Autism (AF) Spectrum

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How should a portable antenna analyzer be connected when measuring antenna resonance and feed point impedance?

  • Loosely couple the analyzer near the antenna base
  • Connect the analyzer via a high-impedance transformer to the antenna
  • Connect the antenna and a dummy load to the analyzer
  • Correct Answer
    Connect the antenna feed line directly to the analyzer's connector

A portable antenna analyzer is a device that is used to analyze the characteristics of an antenna and often the feed line. You can see some pictures of analyzers on the Wikipedia page, but generally it has at minimum a connector to attach an antenna / feed line to, a readout and dial for selecting the frequency, and a readout for the SWR of the antenna/feed line system at that frequency.

There is no need for a dummy load with an antenna analyzer, and the analyzer is designed to connect to an antenna so it generally connects the same way a transceiver would -- by connecting the feedline directly to the analyzer.


Hint: Connected, connector.

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What is the significance of voltmeter sensitivity expressed in ohms per volt?

  • Correct Answer
    The full scale reading of the voltmeter multiplied by its ohms per volt rating will provide the input impedance of the voltmeter
  • When used as a galvanometer, the reading in volts multiplied by the ohms/volt will determine the power drawn by the device under test
  • When used as an ohmmeter, the reading in ohms divided by the ohms/volt will determine the voltage applied to the circuit
  • When used as an ammeter, the full scale reading in amps divided by ohms/volt will determine the size of shunt needed

\begin{align} \frac{\text{Ohms}}{\text{volt}} \times \text{full scale volts} &= \text{full scale impedance} \\ &=\text{input impedance} \end{align} (drichmond60)

Hint: all the "When used as..." answers are incorrect.

Hint: The word "voltmeter" appears in the question and in the correct answer.

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How is the compensation of an oscilloscope probe typically adjusted?

  • Correct Answer
    A square wave is displayed and the probe is adjusted until the horizontal portions of the displayed wave are as nearly flat as possible
  • A high frequency sine wave is displayed and the probe is adjusted for maximum amplitude
  • A frequency standard is displayed and the probe is adjusted until the deflection time is accurate
  • A DC voltage standard is displayed and the probe is adjusted until the displayed voltage is accurate

The probe is adjusted until the horizontal flats of a square wave are as flat as possible.

This adjustment is equivalent to making the probe have uniform attenuation over the range of frequencies to be measured. In passive probes this adjustment is usually a small adjustable capacitor.

Silly trick: Cubes are three dimensional, but squares are as flat as possible!

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What happens if a dip meter is too tightly coupled to a tuned circuit being checked?

  • Harmonics are generated
  • Correct Answer
    A less accurate reading results
  • Cross modulation occurs
  • Intermodulation distortion occurs

Remember that a dip meter is an instrument used to check the circuit without direct connection to the circuit under test. This way it does not cause harmonics, cross modulation or intermodulation distortion to occur. What results is the readings are less accurate.

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Which of the following can be used as a relative measurement of the Q for a series-tuned circuit?

  • The inductance to capacitance ratio
  • The frequency shift
  • Correct Answer
    The bandwidth of the circuit's frequency response
  • The resonant frequency of the circuit

Quick silly attempt at remembering the right answer:

The right answer has "frequency response" in it. So, Every Question (Q) deserves a response

(you're welcome)

Q stands for quality. The frequency response is a measurement of quality.

Definition Of \(Q\) Factor: In the context of resonators, \(Q\) is defined in terms of the ratio of the energy stored in the resonator to the energy supplied by a generator, per cycle, to keep signal amplitude constant, at a frequency \(f_r\) (the resonant frequency), where the stored energy is constant with time:

\[\begin{align} Q &= 2π \times \left( \frac{\text{Energy}_{\text{stored}}}{\text{Energy}_{\text{dissipated per cycle}}} \right) \\ &= 2π\times f_r \times \left( \frac{\text{Energy}_{\text{stored}}}{\text{Power}_{\text{loss}}} \right) \end{align}\]


There are a few ways to define \(Q\). With regard to this question, the bandwidth is the width of the range of frequencies for which the energy is at least half its peak value. The higher the \(Q\), the narrower the bandwidth. That is,

\[\text{bandwidth} = \frac{f_r}{Q}\]


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