Digital Systems
Digital Systems
Digital Systems
In the block diagram shown, the block designated "modem" is a
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In the block diagram shown, the "modem"
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The following can be adapted for use as a modem
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The following are three digital communication modes
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In digital communications, FSK stands for
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In digital communications, BPSK stands for
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When your HF digital transmission is received with errors due to multi-path conditions, you should
For the receiving end to be able to accurately decode the characters sent, the bits must be sent at a constant speed. The signalling speed of serial data transmissions on wires is measured in bits per second (bps), since the bits are always sent one at a time. However, the signalling speed on a radio link is not measured in bits, but in symbols per second (the unit of symbols/sec is the baud). The symbol is the basic modulated signalling entity on a radio link, and represents the state of each signalling interval. Each symbol may carry one or more (or even less) data bits, depending on the modulation technique. For RTTY, each symbol (a short duration of one tone or another) carries one data bit, so the speed in bps is the same as the baud rate.
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The letters BBS stand for
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APRS is an adaptation of packet radio. APRS stands for
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The following communication mode is generally used for connecting to a VHF packet radio bulletin board
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