W5YI VE Session
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In Person VE TEst Sessions Basic Information for September October November
You need to show up to take your test in person.
Common Info all test sessions
Location: Carver County Library, 7711 Kerber Blvd, Chanhassen MN Start Time: 6 PM.
Fees: $14 payable to W5YI Radio Test Chanhassen at the test session. If you pass your test the FCC requires another $35 fee paid to the FCC.
Bring: Your photo ID, and test fee ($14), copy of any current license or CSCE.
After registering look for an acknowledgement email.
Questions: kdzerob@aol.com
Below Helpful links to the next 3 test dates scheduled by our group are below.
[September 25]https://hamstudy.org/sessions/64db92bbd66e40410e9c4e54/1
[October 30]https://hamstudy.org/sessions/64db9321528d9c3fc743654a/1
[November 27, 2023]https://hamstudy.org/sessions/64db93a1d66e40cf4c9c4fc9/1