MF-HF Equip. and Comms:
MF-HF ARQ Operation - Answerbacks:
Which of the following events will take place immediately after phasing with a Coast Station on an available channel?
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During SITOR (NBDP) ARQ operations through a coast station, what should the GMDSS operator do during the "Automatic Exchange of Answerbacks"?
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Assuming sending a direct TELEX message to a shore-based office, which sequence of events best describes a complete ARQ TELEX exchange with a coast station?
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For ARQ communications with a Public Correspondence Coast Station, which sequence of events best describes reaching the point in time where the text of TELEX communications should be sent.
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During ARQ communications, which of these is least likely to cause a coast station to immediately break the phased radio connection:
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During ARQ communications, which of these is least likely to cause a coast station to break the phased radio connection:
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