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Subelement J
MF-HF Equip. and Comms:
Section 90
MF-HF ARQ Operation - Answerbacks:
Which of the following events will take place immediately after phasing with a Coast Station on an available channel?
  • The ship station begins transmitting the text to the destination telex terminal.
  • The vessel will request the shore station's answerback to confirm it has reached the correct station.
  • The ship will transmit the desired command (such as DIRTLX+, OBS+ or AMV+) to the coast radio station.
  • Correct Answer
    After exchanging answer-backs (WRU/AAB) the coast station transmits GA+? and awaits a command.
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During SITOR (NBDP) ARQ operations through a coast station, what should the GMDSS operator do during the "Automatic Exchange of Answerbacks"?
  • Correct Answer
    Do nothing other than wait for a GA+? prompt and then issue the desired command.
  • Send a "WRU" then a "Here is" when requested to do so by the coast station.
  • Send the necessary message file and then wait for time and charges.
  • Wait for the coast station to transmit a menu of possible commands and select the desired action.
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Assuming sending a direct TELEX message to a shore-based office, which sequence of events best describes a complete ARQ TELEX exchange with a coast station?
  • Initiate call, observe phasing, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), send message, send KKKK to terminate the TELEX link, receive MRN & time and charges.
  • Correct Answer
    Initiate call, observe phasing, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), send DIRTLX command with zero, TELEX country code, TELEX number, send message, send KKKK to terminate the TELEX link, receive MRN and time and charges.
  • Initiate call, observe exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), send message, send KKKK to terminate radio link, receive MRN & time and charges.
  • Initiate call, observe phasing, exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), send message, send KKKK to terminate radio link, receive MRN & time and charges.
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For ARQ communications with a Public Correspondence Coast Station, which sequence of events best describes reaching the point in time where the text of TELEX communications should be sent.
  • Transceiver setup, SELCAL selection, Initiate Call, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), OPR+, operator entry of the appropriate automatic TELEX code.
  • Transceiver setup, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), OPR+, operator entry of the appropriate automatic TELEX code.
  • Correct Answer
    Transceiver setup, SELCAL selection, Initiate Call, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), GA+?, enter DIRTLX xy+, MOM, MSG+? and exchange of terminal answerbacks.
  • Transceiver setup, wait for exchange of answer-backs (WRU-AAB), GA+? and then send message text.
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During ARQ communications, which of these is least likely to cause a coast station to immediately break the phased radio connection:
  • If the automatic exchange of answerbacks is interrupted by keyboard entries.
  • If the error percentage of repeat requests becomes too high.
  • Correct Answer
    If the operator enters "KKKK" at the end of the message.
  • If the BRK+? Command is transmitted after time and charges are received.
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During ARQ communications, which of these is least likely to cause a coast station to break the phased radio connection:
  • If the error percentage of repeat requests becomes too high.
  • If the operator enters "BRK+".
  • If the automatic exchange of answerbacks is interrupted by keyboard entries.
  • Correct Answer
    If the operator enters "NNNN" at the end of the message.
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