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Subelement A

RADAR Principles

Section 7


What component of a RADAR receiver is represented by block 46 in Fig. 8A1?

  • The ATR box.
  • Correct Answer
    The TR box.
  • The RF Attenuator.
  • The Crystal Detector.

Block 46 in Figure 8A1 represents the Transmit/Receive (TR) switch in a RADAR receiver.

The RADAR receiver consists of various components that process the received signals. In this representation:

"From Waveguide" indicates the input signal received by the receiver.

"46" is the TR switch, which is responsible for directing the signal either to the receiver chain (to be processed for detection) or to the transmitter chain (for transmission).

"Crystal Detector" demodulates the received signal, converting it to an intermediate frequency (IF) signal.

"IF Amplifier" amplifies the IF signal for further processing. "Detector" extracts the modulation information from the IF signal.

"Video Amplifier" amplifies the detected video signal.

"CRT" (Cathode Ray Tube) displays the processed RADAR information.

Mnemonic: "TR - Transit and Receive"

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A basic sample-and-hold circuit contains:

  • An analog switch and an amplifier.
  • An analog switch, a capacitor, and an amplifier.
  • An analog multiplexer and a capacitor.
  • Correct Answer
    An analog switch, a capacitor, amplifiers and input and output buffers.
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When comparing a TTL and a CMOS NAND gate:

  • Correct Answer
    Both have active pull-up characteristics.
  • Both have three output states.
  • Both have comparable input power sourcing.
  • Both employ Schmitt diodes for increased speed capabilities.
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Silicon crystals:

  • Are very sensitive to static electric charges.
  • Should be wrapped in lead foil for storage.
  • Tolerate very low currents.
  • Correct Answer
    All of these.
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Which is typical current for a silicon crystal used in a RADAR mixer or detector circuit?

  • Correct Answer
    3 mA
  • 15 mA
  • 50 mA
  • 100 mA
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What component of a RADAR receiver is represented by block 47 in Fig. 8A1?

  • The ATR box.
  • The TR box.
  • Correct Answer
    The RF Attenuator.
  • The Crystal Detector.

The signal received from the transmitter (magnetron) must be attenuated before it can be used by the rest of the RADAR System.

Answer C. is the right anser.

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