Transmitters, Modulation and Processing
signal processing - AF, IF, and RF
Maintaining the peak RF output of a SSB transmitter at a relatively constant level requires a circuit called the:
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Speech compression associated with SSB transmission implies:
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Which of the following functions Is Not included in a typical digital signal processor?
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How many bits are required to provide 256 discrete levels, or a ratio of 256:1?
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Adding one bit to the word length, is equivalent to adding ________ dB to the dynamic range of the digitizer:
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What do you call the circuit which employs an analog to digital converter, a mathematical transform, a digital to analog converter and a low pass filter?
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Which principle Is Not associated with analog signal processing?
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Which of the following Is Not a method used for peak limiting, in a signal processor?
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What is the undesirable result of AF clipping in a speech processor?
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Which description Is Not correct? You are planning to build a speech processor for your transceiver. Compared to AF clipping, RF clipping:
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Automatic Level Control (ALC) is another name for:
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