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Subelement 1

Regulations and Policies

Section 1-12

non-remuneration, privacy of communications

What kind of payment is allowed for third-party messages sent by an amateur station?

  • Donation of amateur equipment
  • Donation of equipment repairs
  • Correct Answer
    No payment of any kind is allowed
  • Any amount agreed upon in advance
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Radiocommunications transmitted by stations other than a broadcasting station may be divulged or used:

  • if transmitted by any station using the international Morse code
  • Correct Answer
    if it is transmitted by an amateur station
  • if transmitted in English or French
  • during peacetime civil emergencies
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The operator of an amateur station:

  • shall charge no less than $10 for each message that the person transmits or receives
  • shall charge no more than $10 for each message that the person transmits or receives
  • may accept a gift or gratuity in lieu of remuneration for any message that the person transmits or receives
  • Correct Answer
    shall not demand or accept remuneration in any form, in respect of a radiocommunication that the person transmits or receives
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Which of the following is not an exception from the penalties under the Act, for divulging, intercepting or using information obtained through radiocommunication, other than broadcasting?

  • Correct Answer
    Where it is to provide information for a journalist
  • Where it is for the purpose of preserving or protecting property, or for the prevention of harm to a person
  • Where it is for the purpose of giving evidence in a criminal or civil proceeding in which persons are required to give evidence
  • Where it is on behalf of Canada, for the purpose of international or national defence or security
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