Operating and Procedures
voice operating procedures - channelized VHF/UHF repeater
What is a good way to make contact on a repeater?
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What is the main purpose of a repeater?
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What is an autopatch?
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What is the purpose of a repeater time-out timer?
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What is a CTCSS (or PL) tone?
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How do you call another station on a repeater if you know the station's call sign?
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Why should you pause briefly between transmissions when using a repeater?
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Why should you keep transmissions short when using a repeater?
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What is the proper way to break into a conversation on a repeater?
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What is the proper way to ask someone their location when using a repeater?
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FM repeater operation on the 2 metre band uses one frequency for transmission and one for reception. The difference in frequency between the transmit and receive frequency is normally:
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