Operating and Procedures
voice operating procedures - simplex VHF/UHF and HF
What is the correct way to call "CQ" when using voice?
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How should you answer a voice CQ call?
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What is simplex operation?
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When should you use simplex operation instead of a repeater?
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Why should local amateur communications use VHF and UHF frequencies instead of HF frequencies?
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Why should simplex be used where possible, instead of using a repeater?
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If you are talking to a station using a repeater, how would you find out if you could communicate using simplex instead?
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If you are operating simplex on a repeater frequency, why would it be good amateur practice to change to another frequency?
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Which sideband is commonly used on 3755 kHz for phone operation?
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What is the best method to tell if a band is "open" for communication with a particular distant location?
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