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Subelement 2

Operating and Procedures

Section 2-04

tuneups and testing, use of dummy load, courteous operation

What should you do before you transmit on any frequency?

  • Check your antenna for resonance at the selected frequency
  • Correct Answer
    Listen to make sure others are not using the frequency
  • Make sure the SWR on your antenna feed line is high enough
  • Listen to make sure that someone will be able to hear you
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If you contact another station and your signal is extremely strong and perfectly readable, what adjustment might you make to your transmitter?

  • Turn on your speech processor
  • Reduce your SWR
  • Continue with your contact, making no changes
  • Correct Answer
    Turn down your power output to the minimum necessary
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What is one way to shorten transmitter tune-up time on the air to cut down on interference?

  • Use a random wire antenna
  • Tune up on 40 metres first, then switch to the desired band
  • Use twin lead instead of coaxial cable feed lines
  • Correct Answer
    Tune the transmitter into a dummy load
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How can on-the-air interference be minimized during a lengthy transmitter testing or loading-up procedure?

  • Choose an unoccupied frequency
  • Use a non-resonant antenna
  • Use a resonant antenna that requires no loading-up procedure
  • Correct Answer
    Use a dummy load
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Why would you use a dummy antenna?

  • To give comparative signal reports
  • Correct Answer
    To allow antenna tuning without causing interference
  • It is faster to tune
  • To reduce output power
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If you are the net control station of a daily HF net, what should you do if the frequency on which you normally meet is in use just before the net begins?

  • Correct Answer
    Conduct the net on a frequency 3 to 5 kHz away from the regular net frequency
  • Reduce your output power and start the net as usual
  • Increase your power output so that net participants will be able to hear you over the existing activity
  • Cancel the net for that day
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If a net is about to begin on a frequency which you and another station are using, what should you do?

  • Correct Answer
    As a courtesy to the net, move to a different frequency
  • Increase your power output to ensure that all net participants can hear you
  • Transmit as long as possible on the frequency so that no other stations may use it
  • Turn off your radio
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If propagation changes during your contact and you notice other activity on the same increasing interference from frequency, what should you do?

  • Tell the interfering stations to change frequency, since you were there first
  • Report the interference to your local Amateur Auxiliary Coordinator
  • Increase the output power of your transmitter to overcome the interference
  • Correct Answer
    Move your contact to another frequency
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When selecting a single- sideband phone transmitting frequency, what minimum frequency separation from a contact in progress should you allow (between suppressed carriers) to minimize interference?

  • Correct Answer
    Approximately 3 kHz
  • 150 to 500 Hz
  • Approximately 6 kHz
  • Approximately 10 kHz
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What is a band plan?

  • A plan of operating schedules within an amateur band published by Industry Canada
  • Correct Answer
    A guideline for using different operating modes within an amateur band
  • A plan devised by a club to best use a frequency band during a contest
  • A guideline for deviating from amateur frequency band allocations
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Before transmitting, the first thing you should do is:

  • ask if the frequency is occupied
  • make an announcement on the frequency indicating that you intend to make a call
  • decrease your receiver's volume
  • Correct Answer
    listen carefully so as not to interrupt communications already in progress
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