Operating and Procedures
RST system of signal reporting, use of S meter
What are "RST" signal reports?
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What does "RST" mean in a signal report?
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What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is 5 7"?
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What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is 3 3"?
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What is the meaning of: "Your signal report is 5 9 plus 20 dB"?
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What is used to measure relative signal strength in a receiver?
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If the power output of a transmitter is increased by four times, how might a nearby receiver's S-meter reading change?
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By how many times must the power output of a transmitter be increased to raise the S-meter reading on a nearby receiver from S8 to S9?
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What does "RST 579" mean in a Morse code contact?
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What does "RST 459" mean in a Morse code contact?
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What is the meaning of "Your signal report is 1 1"?
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