Station restrictions and special operations: restrictions on station location; general operating restrictions; spurious emissions, control operator reimbursement; antenna structure restrictions; RACES operations
Which of the following constitutes a spurious emission?
is defined as "Not being what it purports to be; false or fake."
Spurious emissions are "false" emissions that accompany legitimate emissions. Usually they are caused by a poorly calibrated or faulty transmitter. On a spectrum analyzer they would show up as being spikes of RF energy sometimes adjacent to the real signal and sometimes at random intervals usually close by.
These emissions are "spurious" or "false" because they are not necessary to receive the information and they are outside the normal bandwidth needed for the signal.
Tip: The correct answer is the only one that contains the word "emission" from the question.
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Tags: noise and interference bandwidth
Which of the following factors might cause the physical location of an amateur station apparatus or antenna structure to be restricted?
Environmental or historical significance may limit land use in some cases and this includes where someone can install an antenna so the FCC regulates the physical location where the antenna can be built.
Don't let the word horticultural trip you up!
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Within what distance must an amateur station protect an FCC monitoring facility from harmful interference?
§ 97.13 Restrictions on station location.
(b) A station within 1600 m (1 mile) of an FCC monitoring facility must protect that facility from harmful interference. Failure to do so could result in imposition of operating restrictions upon the amateur station by a District Director pursuant to § 97.121 of this part. Geographical coordinates of the facilities that require protection are listed in § 0.121(c) of this chapter.
TEST TIP: These monitoring stations tend to be little shacks with antenna arrays out in an empty field set away from likely sources of interference (see
With that visual in mind, you can think to yourself "there should be no interference within a COUNTRY MILE (1 mile) of the FCC shack."
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What must be done before placing an amateur station within an officially designated wilderness area or wildlife preserve, or an area listed in the National Register of Historical Places?
You only need to work with the FCC. Go to their website and search for "Environmental Assessment" and the forms will be listed.
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What is the maximum bandwidth for a data emission on 60 meters?
The maximum bandwidth for a data emission on 60 meters is 2.8 kHz.
Amateurs are not the primary users on the 60 meter band so operation on 60 meters is restricted to five 2.8 kHz wide channels centered on
...with USB, data, and CW signals.
Silly Tip: Question asks for MAXIMUM bandwidth and the answer is the HIGHEST frequency of answers.
Additional tip: around 2.5-3kHz is the typical bandwidth used for speech, so is a pretty common answer, even when (as in this question) actually transmitting data rather than voice.
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Which of the following additional rules apply if you are installing an amateur station antenna at a site at or near a public use airport?
This is an overlapping jurisdiction question. The FAA regulates Airspace that might endanger aircraft so their regulations need to be consulted and it will then need to registered with the FCC as required by part 17.
Hint: The question deals with Aviation and Amateur Radio. The correct answer references both the FAA and FCC.
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Where must the carrier frequency of a CW signal be set to comply with FCC rules for 60 meter operation?
All signals transmitted by an amateur on 60 meter channels must be centered within the channel.
Memory Aid: Think "sixty-center"
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What limitations may the FCC place on an amateur station if its signal causes interference to domestic broadcast reception, assuming that the receiver(s) involved are of good engineering design?
The FCC may impose limited quiet periods on the amateur station on those frequencies involved. Conversely, the amateur station must be operating properly without violating any rules especially regarding spurious emissions.
Hint: Long question, long answer.
Silly hint: Correct answer does not include the phrase "must cease".
Hint: The question and answer both include the word “interference”
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Which amateur stations may be operated in RACES?
You must first register with the local civil defense organization and then at that point you can register your amateur radio station with RACES. Each operator must follow the operator privileges granted by the license.
§ 97.407 Radio amateur civil emergency service.
(a) No station may transmit in RACES unless it is an FCC-licensed primary, club, or military recreation station and it is certified by a civil defense organization as registered with that organization, or it is an FCC-licensed RACES station. No person may be the control operator of a RACES station, or may be the control operator of an amateur station transmitting in RACES unless that person holds a FCC issued amateur operator license and is certified by a civil defense organization as enrolled in that organization.
Hint: Civil defense
Silly Hint: You have to be Responsible for RACES
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What frequencies are authorized to an amateur station participating in RACES?
The frequencies that may be used are determined by the control operator's license. Normally RACES stations will communicate with other RACES stations but other stations may be authorized by a responsible civil defense authority.
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What is the permitted mean power of any spurious emission relative to the mean power of the fundamental emission from a station transmitter or external RF amplifier installed after January 1, 2003, and transmitting on a frequency below 30 MHZ?
§ 97.307 Emission standards.
For transmitters installed after January 1, 2003, the mean power of any spurious emission from a station transmitter or external RF power amplifier transmitting on a frequency below 30 MHz must be at least 43 dB below the mean power of the fundamental emission.
*Memory - The lowest number in the list -- W1SBC
*Silly Memory trick: date of 1/1/2003 think 1+1+2=4, 3 or 43--KI5ZAO
TEST TIP: "86'd" is a slang term meaning "to get rid of." The correct answer (43 dB) is half way to 86. FCC doesn't expect us to completely eliminate spurious emissions, so just think of the expectation as being "half way to 86'd".
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What is the highest modulation index permitted at the highest modulation frequency for angle modulation?
Any modulation index greater than 1.0 will result in bandwidths that are wider than necessary for good amateur practices.
§ 97.307 Emission standards. (a) No amateur station transmission shall occupy more bandwidth than necessary for the information rate and emission type being transmitted, in accordance with good amateur practice. (b) Emissions resulting from modulation must be confined to the band or segment available to the control operator. Emissions outside the necessary bandwidth must not cause splatter or keyclick interference to operations on adjacent frequencies.
The definition of modulation index differs between AM and FM.
The AM Modulation Index is (\(m = \frac{M}{A}\)), where M = the peak CHANGE in modulated carrier AMPLITUDE from its UNMODULATED value, and A = the unmodulated carrier amplitude. A modulation index of 1 is when the envelope cycles between TWICE the steady state value (increases by 1X) and ZERO (decreases by 1X) .
With FM, the FM carrier FREQUENCY is modulated by some frequency spectrum, typically speech. The FM modulation index is (\(m = \frac{Fd}{A}\)), where Fd is the maximum deviation from the carrier frequency, and A is the highest audio frequency.
If the maximum deviation Fd of a signal, set by FCC standards at down 26 dB, is, say, 3 kHz on either side of the center freq (146.52 MHz, for example), and the modulating frequency A is speech low-pass filtered to 3 kHz, then the modulation index is (\(\frac{3000}{3000} = 1\)), right at the limit. If the transmitted signal had side bands that used, say, 5 kHz on either side of the carrier frequency, for the same 3 kHz audio stream, the MI would be (\(\frac{5000}{3000} = 1.67\)).
ARRL 2021 Handbook, Sect 11.3 Angle Modulation
SILLY HINT: 29 MHz is the 10 Metre band, answer is 1.0 (10)
For further reading: Wikipedia on modulation indexes
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