Amateur Satellite service: definitions and purpose; license requirements for space stations; available frequencies and bands; telecommand and telemetry operations; restrictions and special provisions; notification requirements
What is the definition of the term telemetry?
Coming from the prefix "tele" (distant) and the suffix "metry" meaning "the process, art, or science of measuring", telemetry is no more than simply "distance measurements".
Hint: a meter is a unit of measurement
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What is the amateur satellite service?
FCC 97.3(a)(2)(2) Amateur radio services are defined as the following three services The amateur service, the amateur satellite service and the radio amateur civil emergency service.
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What is a telecommand station in the amateur satellite service?
FCC 97.3(a)(44) Telecommand station. An amateur station that transmits communications to initiate, modify or terminate functions of a space station.
Tip - The only answer that contains the words “space station”
Tip2 - A “telecommand” station must be making commands. The correct answer is the one that includes a list of potential commands, “initiate, modify or terminate”.
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What is an Earth station in the amateur satellite service?
FCC 97.3(a)(16)) Earth station. An amateur station located on, or within 50 km of, the Earth’s surface intended for communications with space stations or with other Earth stations by means of one or more other objects in space.
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What class of licensee is authorized to be the control operator of a space station?
Part 97.207 Space Station: begins with: (a) Any amateur station may be a space station. A holder of any class operator license may be the control operator of a space station, subject to the privileges of the class of operator license held by the control operator. (emphasis added)
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Which of the following special provisions must a space station incorporate in order to comply with space station requirements?
From Part 97.207 Space Station:
(b) A space station must be capable of effecting a cessation of transmissions by telecommand whenever such cessation is ordered by the FCC.
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Which amateur service HF bands have frequencies authorized to space stations?
The correct answer is ALL HF bands 40 Meters and above EXCEPT for 30 meters.
From §97.207-
(c) The following frequency bands and segments are authorized to space stations:
(1) The 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, and 10 m bands, 6 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm and 1 mm bands; and
(2) The 7.0-7.1 MHz, 14.00-14.25 MHz, 144-146 MHz, 435-438 MHz, 2400-2450 MHz, 3.40-3.41 GHz, 5.83-5.85 GHz, 10.45-10.50 GHz, and 24.00-24.05 GHz segments.
The only answer with 10, 12, 17 meters
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Which VHF amateur service bands have frequencies available for space stations?
From Part 97.207 Space Station::
(c) The following frequency bands and segments are authorized to space stations:
(2) The 7.0-7.1 MHz, 14.00-14.25 MHz, 144-146 MHz, 435-438 MHz, 1260-1270 MHz, and 2400-2450 MHz, 3.40-3.41 GHz, 5.83-5.85 GHz, 10.45-10.50 GHz, and 24.00-24.05 GHz segments.
144-146 MHz covers a portion of the 2 meter band.
For your general education, note that the following spectrum is also authorized to space stations:
(1) The 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, and 10 m bands, 6 mm, 4 mm, 2 mm and 1 mm bands;
Note that the question asks specifically for bandS while all of the answers with multiple bands are wrong! So think of this as an error in the question to help guide you to the ONE right answer.
Silly Hint: Space Station is 2 words, so 2 meters.
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Which amateur stations are eligible to be telecommand stations?
FCC 97.211(a)Any amateur station designated by the licensee of a space station is eligible to transmit as a telecommand station for that space station, subject to the privileges of the class of operator license held by the control operator.
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Which amateur stations are eligible to operate as Earth stations?
FCC 97.209(a) Any amateur station may be an Earth station. A holder of any class operator license may be the control operator of an Earth station, subject to the privileges of the class of operator license held by the control operator.
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