Amateur radio in space: amateur satellites; orbital mechanics; frequencies and modes; satellite hardware; satellite operations
What is the direction of an ascending pass for an amateur satellite?
An astronomical object is Ascending when it is moving north in latitude with respect to the celestial sphere or "up" with respect to the usual ground map. Descending means moving south or "down" with respect to the map.
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
Which of the following occurs when a satellite is using an inverting linear transponder?
An inverted linear transponder reverses the ordering of frequencies between input and output. The Doppler shift shifts the input and output frequencies the same way, and so there is some cancellation due to the reversing effect of the transponder. USB and LSB signals are likewise swapped, as is signal position.
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How is the signal inverted by an inverting linear transponder?
Satellites have transponders, which receive the uplink signal and retransmit it as a downlink signal. Unlike your usual repeaters, though, they receive an entire band of signals and retransmit the entire band shifted to another frequency.
Transponders come in both inverting and non-inverting types. The inverting type, which is the subject of this question, "flips" the entire band before retransmitting; thus, the highest frequency in the uplink becomes the lowest frequency in the downlink.
To do this, The signal is passed through a mixer and the difference rather than the sum is transmitted. The base band frequency is chosen such that the proper "shift" occurs, but in the inverting case, the mixer operation calculates offsets from the other side of the baseband compared to the non-inverting case, and the baseband frequency is chosen accordingly.
The other answers are wrong, and this is easy to remember if you just remember that:
Processed=Mixed. The correct answer ends with TRANS - as does the last word of the question.
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What is meant by the term "mode" as applied to an amateur radio satellite?
Historically OSCAR uplink (transmit to) and downlink (receive from) frequencies were designated using single letter codes.
Mode A: 2 m uplink / 10 m downlink
Mode B: 70 cm uplink / 2 m downlink
Mode J: 2 m uplink / 70 cm downlink
New uplink and downlink designations use sets of paired letters following the structure X/Y where X is the uplink band and Y is the downlink band.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR#Mode_designators
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
What do the letters in a satellite's mode designator specify?
Historically OSCAR uplink (transmit to) and downlink (receive from) frequencies were designated using single letter codes.
New uplink and downlink designations use sets of paired letters following the structure X/Y where X is the uplink band and Y is the downlink band.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR#Mode_designators
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What are Keplerian elements?
Memory item:
Keplerian elements are a set of numerical parameters that define the motion of an orbiting body or satellite. They are named after Johannes Kepler who first defined the laws governing orbiting planet motion.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_elements
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Which of the following types of signals can be relayed through a linear transponder?
A linear transponder takes one range of frequencies and directly shifts it to another range, without decoding and re-encoding the signals. Therefore, any signal type that fits in the transponder's bandwidth can be used through it.
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
Why should effective radiated power to a satellite that uses a linear transponder be limited?
Satellite transponders are power-sharing. If one signal received at the satellite is stronger than the others, all other retransmitted signals will get a smaller portion of the available power.
Memory trick: associate linear with downlink and limited with reducing
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
What do the terms "L band" and "S band" specify regarding satellite communications?
Transponder link designators:
Frequency | Designator |
21Mhz | H |
29Mhz | T |
145Mhz | V |
435Mhz | U |
1.2Ghz | L |
2.4Ghz | S |
5.7Ghz | C |
10.5Ghz | X |
24Ghz | K |
Keeping in mind that V is 2m (the VHF-band on many 2-band hand helds) and U is 70cm (the UHF band on many 2-band hand-helds), think "long and short" -- 23cm is longer than 13cm.
Study Hint: Think "(L)ittle and (S)mall" for 23 and 13 cm. “LS” looks like 23 and "ls" looks like 13.
See the mode designator chart
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
What type of satellite appears to stay in one position in the sky?
A geosynchronous satellite is actually moving along its orbit just like any other satellite. It is at a height and position such that this orbital rotation matches the earth’s rotation and so it appears to be stationary.
LEO means "Low Earth Orbit" and HEO means "Highly Elliptical Orbit" and both are not relevant to this question. A geomagnetic orbit is not a thing, I think.
Hint: It’s the only question with stationary in it.
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What type of antenna can be used to minimize the effects of spin modulation and Faraday rotation?
Faraday rotation is the change in radio wave polarization due to the presence of a magnetic field, while spin modulation is also a polarization change, but due to the rotation of the signal source or of an object that reflects the radio wave, such as a satellite. Both effects can result in rotating radio waves, which can be minimized by a circularly polarized antenna.
Memory trick: “spin” in a ”circular” motion.
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Tags: arrl chapter 2 arrl module 2b
What is the purpose of digital store-and-forward functions on an amateur radio satellite?
With a satellite in low earth orbit, the transmit and receive stations may not have a line of sight path to the satellite at the same time. Store and forward allows the transmission to be stored for a while until the receiving station can be “seen” by the satellite.
HINT: Store-and-forward implies a delay; so messages are downloaded later.
Other Answers
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Which of the following techniques is normally used by low Earth orbiting digital satellites to relay messages around the world?
Store-and-forward means the message is stored and later sent when the satellite is in contact with the appropriate ground station.
Because low-earth satellites can only see a relatively small portion of the earth at once, instantly repeating the message (digipeating) is not a practical method to convey messages long distances.
Unfortunately, there is presently no large network of amateur LEO satellites that would allow instant relaying of messages between multiple satellites.
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