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Subelement E2


Section E2E

Operating methods: operating HF digital modes

Which of the following types of modulation is common for data emissions below 30 MHz?

  • DTMF tones modulating an FM signal
  • Correct Answer
  • Pulse modulation
  • Spread spectrum

Below 30 megahertz, DTMF with FM signal would take a large amount of bandwidth as well as spread spectrum. The only other options left are Pulse modulation, and FSK.

Commonly, Frequency shift keying is used on these bands, which modulates the frequency a bit with data.

Silly memory aid: The question asks about modulation below 30 MHz. FSK is the shortest/smallest answer.

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

What do the letters FEC mean as they relate to digital operation?

  • Correct Answer
    Forward Error Correction
  • First Error Correction
  • Fatal Error Correction
  • Final Error Correction

Forward Error Correction is a means to prevent transmitted data that has been corrupted by noise or signal loss from being misinterpreted at the receiving device. It involves transmitting redundant data bits that the receiving device can use to verify the accuracy of the transmission. A simple form of forward error correction would be transmitting each bit of data three times (a triplet). The receiver uses an algorithm to interpret this data stream averaging the bits in each triplet to correct for noise. It then "decides" what the correct interpretation of the data should be based on that computation. Forward Error Correction does require more bandwidth than Backward Error Correction due to the additional data being sent as well as more processor time. But FEC is preferred for long range, single data transmissions that are subject to noise, as can occur with amateur radio transmissions.

SillyHint: we're all trying to move 'Forward' with our communications :)

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8d

How is the timing of FT4 contacts organized?

  • By exchanging ACK/NAK packets
  • Stations take turns on alternate days
  • Correct Answer
    Alternating transmissions at 7.5 second intervals
  • It depends on the lunar phase

From the FT4 section of the WSJTX user guide:

FT4 is designed for contesting, particularly on the HF bands. Compared with FT8 it is 3.5 dB less sensitive and requires 1.6 times the bandwidth, but it offers the potential for twice the QSO rate. FT4 is not recommended for everyday use.

FT8 has 15 second transmission periods, and half of 15 is 7.5 seconds.

HINT: FT4 requires Fixed Time intervals. Only one answer mentions a fixed time interval.

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What is indicated when one of the ellipses in an FSK crossed-ellipse display suddenly disappears?

  • Correct Answer
    Selective fading has occurred
  • One of the signal filters is saturated
  • The receiver has drifted 5 kHz from the desired receive frequency
  • The mark and space signal have been inverted

Here is an explanation on how the crossed-ellipse display (or station monitor) works with RTTY:


The principle should be the same.

Silly hint: suddenly disappear = selective fading

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

Which of these digital modes does not support keyboard-to-keyboard operation?

  • Correct Answer
  • RTTY
  • PSK31
  • MFSK

Keyboard-to-keyboard operation refers to the situation where you type characters and they're sent as a simple sequence of characters, one after the other. RTTY, PSK31 and MFSK all operate in this manner, which can be thought of almost like alternate forms of machine CW.

PACTOR, on the other hand, is a packet protocol that requires information to be divided up into packets which have header and footer information for features like data compression, error detection and acknowledgement messages for automatic repeat request (ARQ). Therefore it does not support "keyboard-to-keyboard" operation.

Just remember that PACTOR is for packets, not for keyboards typing to each other.

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What is the most common data rate used for HF packet?

  • 48 baud
  • 110 baud
  • Correct Answer
    300 baud
  • 1200 baud

This data rate allows HF packet transmissions to stay within the bandwidth used by other transmission modes such as SSB speech. This is important on the crowded HF bands.

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

Which of the following is a possible reason that attempts to initiate contact with a digital station on a clear frequency are unsuccessful?

  • Your transmit frequency is incorrect
  • The protocol version you are using is not supported by the digital station
  • Another station you are unable to hear is using the frequency
  • Correct Answer
    All these choices are correct

If you are transmitting on a frequency your intended recipient is not listening on, naturally they will not receive it. Additionally if you are using a different digital protocol than the intended recipient, they will not understand much the same way speaking in a foreign language would cause confusion. Finally, there may be a station from another direction that they can hear and you can't; this station's signal might be more powerful than yours and would either overpower yours or simply make both of them unintelligible.

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8d

Which of the following HF digital modes can be used to transfer binary files?

  • Hellschreiber
  • Correct Answer
  • RTTY

PACTOR is a radio modulation mode used by amateur radio operators, marine radio stations, and radio stations in isolated areas to send and receive digital information via radio. Of the choices presented it is the best mode to transfer binary files. Not to say it cannot be done in other modes.


Silly Hint: You need to PAC(k) your files before you send them.

Silly Hint 2: PACTOR and binary both have 6 letters. PACTOR is only between 2 people. 2=binary

Silly Hint 3: PAC-TOR is 2 syllables.

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

Which of the following HF digital modes uses variable-length coding for bandwidth efficiency?

  • RTTY
  • MT63
  • Correct Answer

Similar to the way Morse Code has different lengths for different characters (E is one dot) PSK31 uses variable length coding where the most used characters are given shorter lengths to save bandwidth.

It was originally called varicode by its inventor, an amateur radio operator.

SILLY HINT: Question has "length" in it. Only two answers have numbers in them that you could use to measure a length. The correct "ONE," has "1" in it - D

Baskin Robbins 31 flavors - I like a good chocolate "coding" on mine.

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8b

Which of these digital modes has the narrowest bandwidth?

  • MFSK16
  • 170 Hz shift, 45-baud RTTY
  • Correct Answer
  • 300-baud packet

PSK31 operates with a very narrow bandwidth of only 31Hz, with contacts spaced as close as 100Hz apart. As many as 20 conversations can be realistically squeezed into the bandwidth of a single 2.5KHz SSB transmission. [PSK31 Spectrum efficiency on Wikipedia]

MFSK16 uses about 316 Hz bandwidth.

Hint: (PSK) Pretty SKinny

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

What is the difference between direct FSK and audio FSK?

  • Correct Answer
    Direct FSK applies the data signal to the transmitter VFO, while AFSK transmits tones via phone
  • Direct FSK occupies less bandwidth
  • Direct FSK can transmit faster baud rates
  • Only direct FSK can be decoded by computer

Amateur transceivers use two different methods to modulate a signal using FSK: direct FSK and audio FSK. The difference between direct FSK and audio FSK is that direct FSK applies the data signal to the transmitter VFO. (E2E11) When using audio FSK, audio, typically from a computer sound card, is used to shift the frequency of the transmitted signal.

I can't every get anyone to listen (audio) to me directly at the DMV - Direct Modulates VFO

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Tags: arrl chapter 8 arrl module 8c

How do ALE stations establish contact?

  • Correct Answer
    ALE constantly scans a list of frequencies, activating the radio when the designated call sign is received
  • ALE radios monitor an internet site for the frequency they are being paged on
  • ALE radios send a constant tone code to establish a frequency for future use
  • ALE radios activate when they hear their signal echoed by back scatter

ALE is Automatic Link Establishment, the standard for digitally initiating and sustaining HF radio communications in an automated manner. You can think of it as an automated way of calling for a specific station and answering that call.

When attempting to call another station, an operator enters an ALE address into the radio. The calling radio selects an idle channel (frequency in its list) and transmits call messages. On the radio waiting for a call, ALE constantly scans a list of frequencies, activating the radio when the designated call sign is received. "The designated call sign" means the radio's own call sign.

There's a decent article about ALE on Wikipedia for those wanting more information.

Hint: A List Exists (ALE).

Silly Hint: Last CALL (sign) for ALE.

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Which of these digital modes has the fastest data throughput under clear communication conditions?

  • 170 Hz shift, 45 baud RTTY
  • PSK31
  • Correct Answer
    300 baud packet

Biggest number wins, unsurprisingly, so the answer is 300 baud packet.

Each mode lists its baud rate (45, 31, 300), other than AMTOR which is 100 baud. And all four modes have 1 bit per symbol which means that is also the bit rate. More bits per second = faster data throughput.

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