Radio Wave Propagation
MF and HF, critical and maximum useable frequencies, solar flux
What happens to signals higher in frequency than the critical frequency?
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What causes the maximum usable frequency to vary?
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What does maximum usable frequency mean?
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What can be done at an amateur station to continue HF communications during a sudden ionospheric disturbance?
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What is one way to determine if the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is high enough to support 28 MHz propagation between your station and western Europe?
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What usually happens to radio waves with frequencies below the maximum usable frequency (MUF) when they are sent into the ionosphere?
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At what point in the solar cycle does the 20-metre band usually support worldwide propagation during daylight hours?
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If we transmit a signal, the frequency of which is so high we no longer receive a reflection from the ionosphere, the signal frequency is above the:
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Communication on the 80 metre band is generally most difficult during:
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The optimum working frequency provides the best long range HF communication. Compared with the maximum usable frequency (MUF), it is usually:
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During summer daytime, which bands are the most difficult for communications beyond ground wave?
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