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Subelement 3

Station Assembly, Practice and Safety

Section 3-18

electrical hazards, electrical safety, security

How could you best keep unauthorized persons from using your amateur station at home?

  • Correct Answer
    Use a key-operated on/off switch in the main power line
  • Use a carrier-operated relay in the main power line
  • Put a "Danger - High Voltage" sign in the station
  • Put fuses in the main power line
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How could you best keep unauthorized persons from using a mobile amateur station in your car?

  • Tune the radio to an unused frequency when you are done using it
  • Turn the radio off when you are not using it
  • Correct Answer
    Disconnect the microphone when you are not using it
  • Put a "Do not touch" sign on the radio
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Why would you use a key- operated on/off switch in the main power line of your station?

  • For safety, in case the main fuses fail
  • To keep the power company from turning off your electricity during an emergency
  • For safety, to turn off the station in the event of an emergency
  • Correct Answer
    To keep unauthorized persons from using your station
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Why would there be a switch in a highvoltage power supply to turn off the power if its cabinet is opened?

  • Correct Answer
    To keep anyone opening the cabinet from getting shocked by dangerous high voltages
  • To keep dangerous RF radiation from leaking out through an open cabinet
  • To keep dangerous RF radiation from coming in through an open cabinet
  • To turn the power supply off when it is not being used
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How little electrical current flowing through the human body can be fatal?

  • Approximately 10 amperes
  • More than 20 amperes
  • Current flow through the human body is never fatal
  • Correct Answer
    As little as 1/10 of an ampere
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Which body organ can be fatally affected by a very small amount of electrical current?

  • Correct Answer
    The heart
  • The brain
  • The liver
  • The lungs
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What is the minimum voltage which is usually dangerous to humans?

  • 100 volts
  • 1000 volts
  • 2000 volts
  • Correct Answer
    30 volts
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What should you do if you discover someone who is being burned by high voltage?

  • Wait for a few minutes to see if the person can get away from the high voltage on their own, then try to help
  • Immediately drag the person away from the high voltage
  • Correct Answer
    Turn off the power, call for emergency help and give CPR if needed
  • Run from the area so you won't be burned too
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What is the safest method to remove an unconscious person from contact with a high voltage source?

  • Correct Answer
    Turn off the high voltage switch beforere moving the person from contact with the source
  • Wrap the person in a blanket and pull him to a safe area
  • Call an electrician
  • Remove the person by pulling an arm or a leg
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Before checking a fault in a mains operated power supply unit, it would be safest to First:

  • Correct Answer
    turn off the power and remove power plug
  • short out leads of filter capacitor
  • check action of capacitor bleeder resistance
  • remove and check fuse from power supply
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Fault finding in a power supply of an amateur transmitter while the supply is operating is not a recommended technique because of the risk of:

  • Correct Answer
    electric shock
  • damaging the transmitter
  • overmodulation
  • blowing the fuse
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