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Subelement 3

Station Assembly, Practice and Safety

Section 3-21

exposure of human body to RF, safety precautions

What should you do for safety when operating at 1270 MHz?

  • Correct Answer
    Keep antenna away from your eyes when RF is applied
  • Make sure that an RF leakage filter is installed at the antenna feed point
  • Make sure the standing wave ratio is low before you conduct a test
  • Never use a horizontally polarized antenna
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What should you do for safety if you put up a UHF transmitting antenna?

  • Make sure the antenna is near the ground to keep its RF energy pointing in the correct direction
  • Correct Answer
    Make sure the antenna will be in a place where no one can get near it when you are transmitting
  • Make sure you connect an RF leakage filter at the antenna feed point
  • Make sure that RF field screens are in place
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What should you do for safety, before removing the shielding on a UHF power amplifier?

  • Make sure that RF leakage filters are connected
  • Make sure the antenna feed line is properly grounded
  • Correct Answer
    Make sure the amplifier cannot accidentally be turned on
  • Make sure all RF screens are in place at the antenna feed line
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Why should you make sure the antenna of a hand-held transceiver is not close to your head when transmitting?

  • To use your body to reflect the signal in one direction
  • Correct Answer
    To reduce your exposure to the radiofrequency energy
  • To keep static charges from building up
  • To help the antenna radiate energy equally in all directions
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How should you position the antenna of a hand-held transceiver while you are transmitting?

  • Pointed towards the station you are contacting
  • Pointed away from the station you are contacting
  • Pointed down to bounce the signal off the ground
  • Correct Answer
    Away from your head and away from others
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How can exposure to a large amount of RF energy affect body tissue?

  • It causes radiation poisoning
  • It paralyzes the tissue
  • It produces genetic changes in the tissue
  • Correct Answer
    It heats the tissue
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Which body organ is the most likely to be damaged from the heating effects of RF radiation?

  • Heart
  • Correct Answer
  • Liver
  • Hands
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Depending on the wavelength of the signal, the energy density of the RF field, and other factors, in what way can RF energy affect body tissue?

  • It causes radiation poisoning
  • It causes blood flow to stop
  • It produces genetic changes in the tissue
  • Correct Answer
    It heats the tissue
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If you operate your amateur station with indoor antennas, what precautions should you take when you install them?

  • Position the antennas parallel to electrical power wires to take advantage of parasitic effects
  • Position the antennas along the edge of a wall where it meets the floor or ceiling to reduce parasitic radiation
  • Correct Answer
    Locate the antennas as far away as possible from living spaces that will be occupied while you are operating
  • Locate the antennas close to your operating position to minimize feed-line length
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Why should directional high- gain antennas be mounted higher than nearby structures?

  • Correct Answer
    So they will not direct RF energy toward people in nearby structures
  • So they will be dried by the wind after a heavy rain storm
  • So they will not damage nearby structures with RF energy
  • So they will receive more sky waves and fewer ground waves
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For best RF safety, where should the ends and center of a dipole antenna be located?

  • Correct Answer
    As high as possible to prevent people from coming in contact with the antenna
  • Near or over moist ground so RF energy will be radiated away from the ground
  • As close to the transmitter as possible so RF energy will be concentrated near the transmitter
  • Close to the ground so simple adjustments can be easily made without climbing a ladder
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