Feedlines and Antenna Systems
line losses by line type, length and frequency
Why should you use only good quality coaxial cable and connectors for a UHF antenna system?
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What are some reasons to use parallelconductor feed line?
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If your transmitter and antenna are 15 metres apart, but are connected by 65 metres of RG-58 coaxial cable, what should be done to reduce feed line loss?
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As the length of a feed line is changed, what happens to signal loss?
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As the frequency of a signal is changed, what happens to signal loss in a feed line?
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Losses occurring on a transmission line between transmitter and antenna results in:
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The lowest loss feed line on HF is:
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In what values are RF feed line losses expressed?
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If the length of coaxial feed line is increased from 20 metres (65.6 ft) to 40 metres (131.2 ft), how would this affect the line loss?
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If the frequency is increased, how would this affect the loss on a transmission line?
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