Feedlines and Antenna Systems
quad/loop antennas - types, dimensions, characteristics
What is a cubical quad antenna?
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What is a delta loop antenna?
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Approximately how long is each side of a cubical quad antenna driven element for 21.4 MHz?
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Approximately how long is each side of a cubical quad antenna driven element for 14.3 MHz?
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Approximately how long is each leg of a symmetrical delta loop antenna driven element for 28.7 MHz?
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Which statement about two- element delta loops and quad antennas is true?
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Compared to a dipole antenna, what are the directional radiation characteristics of a cubical quad antenna?
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Moving the feed point of a multielement quad antenna from a side parallel to the ground to a side perpendicular to the ground will have what effect?
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What does the term "antenna front-toback ratio" mean in reference to a delta loop antenna?
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The cubical "quad" or "quad" antenna consists of two or more square loops of wire. The driven element has an approximate overall length of:
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The delta loop antenna consists of two or more triangular structures mounted on a boom. The overall length of the driven element is approximately:
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