Volunteer examiner program: definitions; qualifications; preparation and administration of exams; accreditation; question pools; documentation requirements
What is the minimum number of qualified VEs required to administer an Element 4 amateur operator license examination?
The minimum number of required VEs is the same regardless of which amateur radio license exam is being administered. You always need 3 qualified Volunteer Examiners.
When administering a General or Amateur Extra exam the VEs must be Extra Class operators as well as being VEs. A General class operator that is a VE can assist in administering Technician license exams.
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
Where are the questions for all written U.S. amateur license examinations listed?
The questions (and answers) that are used on all US amateur license exams are maintained by the National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators. This conference is made up of members of the various VECs around the country.
You can find the question pools in their raw form on the NCVEC website. This is where websites such as get the question pools.
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
What is a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator?
One important distinction to understand is the difference between a VEC and a VE. A VEC is an organization that has an agreement with the FCC to coordinate amateur radio operator exams, whereas a VE is a Volunteer Examiner, which is a ham radio operator who has been certified by a VEC to give exams in conjunction with that VEC.
VEC is an often-misused term -- it does not refer to the people who administered the exam, only to the FCC-approved organization (w5yi-vec, arrl, laurel, glaarg, etc) which coordinates exam teams.
You can find a full list of all of the VECs on the FCC website.
Hint: Both the question and the only the correct answer have a form of the word "coordinate" - KN4OJN
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Which of the following best describes the Volunteer Examiner accreditation process?
This question is in regards to the process itself, NOT the individual applying for a VE. After applying, the VEC will then confirm that the applicant is qualified to be a VE.
This is the process of accreditation.
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
What is the minimum passing score on amateur operator license examinations?
There are three exam elements in the Amateur Radio service, elements 2, 3, and 4. The reason for the numbering is that until Feb 2007 there was an Element 1 which was a morse code test.
Element 2: There are 35 questions on the Technician class license exam with a minimum passing score of 26 questions answered correctly. \(\frac{26}{35} ~= 0.742..\) or \(74\%\)
Element 3: There are 35 questions on the General class license exam with a minimum passing score of 26 questions answered correctly. \(\frac{26}{35} ~= 0.743\) or \(74\%\)
Element 4: There are 50 questions on the Extra class license exam with a minimum passing score of 37 questions answered correctly. \(\frac{26}{35} ~= 0.74\) or \(74\%\)
\[\frac{26} {35} = 74.3\%\] \[\frac{37} {50} = 74.0\%\]
Memory aid: If you get less than 74% you get a "73" from your exam.
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
Who is responsible for the proper conduct and necessary supervision during an amateur operator license examination session?
Part 97.509 Administering VE (Volunteer Examiner) requirements (C):
"Each administering VE must be present and observing the examinee throughout the entire examination. The administering VEs are responsible for the proper conduct and necessary supervision of each examination. The administering VEs must immediately terminate the examination upon failure of the examinee to comply with their instructions."
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
What should a VE do if a candidate fails to comply with the examiner's instructions during an amateur operator license examination?
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (C):
"Each administering VE must be present and observing the examinee throughout the entire examination. The administering VEs are responsible for the proper conduct and necessary supervision of each examination. The administering VEs must immediately terminate the examination upon failure of the examinee to comply with their instructions."
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
To which of the following examinees may a VE not administer an examination?
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (D):
"No VE may administer an examination to his or her spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and in-laws."
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What may be the penalty for a VE who fraudulently administers or certifies an examination?
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (E):
"No VE may administer or certify any examination by fraudulent means or for monetary or other consideration including reimbursement in any amount in excess of that permitted. Violation of this provision may result in the revocation of the grant of the VE's amateur station license and the suspension of the grant of the VE's amateur operator license."
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Tags: arrl chapter 3 arrl module 3c
What must the administering VEs do after the administration of a successful examination for an amateur operator license?
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (M):
"After the administration of a successful examination for an amateur operator license, the administering VEs must submit the application document to the coordinating VEC according to the coordinating VEC's instructions."
Note that grading happens on-site during the exam session. This eliminates two of the distractors. The FCC doesn't have anything to do with the exams—which eliminates the third distractor.
Silly Mnemonic: VEs don't collect anything after the exam, eliminating 3 choices. They only submit application documents, the last remaining, and correct, choice.
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What must the VE team do if an examinee scores a passing grade on all examination elements needed for an upgrade or new license?
The key here is understanding the role of the VE team in the process. VE's work as a team to certify that the testing process and test results are valid.
The VEC organization is responsible for communicating with the FCC and the FCC is responsible for issuing new or upgraded licenses, not the VE team.
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (I):
"When the examinee is credited for all examination elements required for the operator license sought, 3 VEs must certify that the examinee is qualified for the license grant and that the VEs have complied with these administering VE requirements. The certifying VEs are jointly and individually accountable for the proper administration of each examination element reported. The certifying VEs may delegate to other qualified VEs their authority, but not their accountability, to administer individual elements of an examination."
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What must the VE team do with the application form if the examinee does not pass the exam?
Part 97.509 Administering VE requirements (J):
"When the examinee does not score a passing grade on an examination element, the administering VEs must return the application document to the examinee and inform the examinee of the grade."
In other words, they don’t have to record anywhere that we failed the exam.
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Which of these choices is an acceptable method for monitoring the applicants if a VEC opts to conduct an exam session remotely?
FCC rules require that each administering VE be present and observing the examinee throughout the entire examination. In the years since the VE system was established, remote testing methods have been developed, including audio and video links, either hard-wired to a site, or available through Internet or satellite technologies, which would allow a VE team to observe an examinee remotely.
VEs may be "present and observing” an examinee for purposes of the rule (Section 97.509(c)) when they are using any audio and video system that can ensure the proper conduct and necessary supervision of each examination. The rule was modified June 20, 2014.
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For which types of out-of-pocket expenses do the Part 97 rules state that VEs and VECs may be reimbursed?
Part 97.527 Reimbursement for expenses:
"VEs and VECs may be reimbursed by examinees for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in preparing, processing, administering, or coordinating an examination for an amateur operator license."
Silly Hint: PPAC, PrePaid Accounting Costs associated. (P)rep(P)rocessing(A)dministering(C)oordinating
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